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Gulp Skeleton - InsanityMeetsHH

Demo page

Table of contents


Install Production Build (Recommended)


  • PHP >= 5.3

Download zip if you don't have git on your OS. Open console on your OS and navigate to your project folder.

$ git clone
$ cd gulp-skeleton
$ git checkout production
$ (optional on unix) rm -rf .git
$ (optional on windows) rmdir .git /s

If you need PHP, you have to go to Install PHP.

Install Master/ Develop Build


Download zip if you don't have git on your OS. Open 2 consoles on your OS and navigate both to your project folder.

$ git clone
$ cd gulp-skeleton
$ (optional) git checkout develop
$ (optional on unix) rm -rf .git
$ (optional on windows) rmdir .git /s
$ npm i
$ gulp build

Install PHP (optional)


Open console on your OS and navigate to the unziped/ cloned app folder.

$ (unix) systemctl docker start
$ (windows) "c:\path\to\Docker Desktop.exe"
$ docker-compose up -d

Open localhost:3050 for Website.

Project Commands

gulp watch files and start BrowserSync
gulp build executes following tasks: cleanUp, favicon, font, img, js, jsLint, scss, scssLint, svg
gulp lintAll executes following tasks: jsLint, scssLint
gulp cleanUp clean up public folder
gulp favicon generate favicons
gulp font copy font files
gulp img copy and compress images
gulp js uglify, minify and concat js files
gulp jsLint checks js follows lint rules
gulp scss compile, minify and concat scss files
gulp scssLint checks scss follows lint rules
gulp svg copy and compress svg files
gulp watch watch favicon, font, img, js, scss and svg files
browserSyncConfig Required - Defines which config is used for BrowserSync (default: browserSyncDocker) +
sourcePath Required - Path to raw files (default: src/)
publicPath Required - Path to transpiled files (default: public/)
systemPath Optional - Alternative Path to transpiled files on CMS, ECS, PHP Framework, ... (default: path/to/system/)
env Required - Environment dev, test or prod (default: dev)

