Originally forked from jfritz and updated to work in Python 3, because I had issues when trying to use it as it was.
A simple discord bot to post F1 events using webhooks.
This script is designed to be run every 12 hours.
Mondays - Send a message with the full next race weekend
Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays - Send a message with events that will occur in the next 24h (if any)
You will need a number of pip packages:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Add your discord webhook url to webhook_url.conf
Configure a crontab (Example set for 8am/pm):
0 8,20 * * * /usr/bin/python3 /path/to/main.py > /path/to/bot.log
Source calendars from F1Calendar and ensure they match the following naming format:
- Look into updating this project to make use of the Discord Webhook package
- Find a more robust way of using only the output of F1Calendar without having to edit each event to include an extra string
- Look into contributing other calendars to SportsTimes repo and adding functionality for the script to send info about other race series
- Attempt to calculate broadcast times for SkySports F1