JobFlow is a workflow engine based on volcano Job. It proposes two concepts to automate running multiple batch jobs, named JobTemplate and JobFlow, so end users can easily declare their jobs and run them using complex control primitives such as sequential or parallel execution, if-then -else statement, switch-case statement, loop execution, etc.
read design at here.
- docker:
- Kubernetes: >
build image from local
# get volcano and jobflow source code from github
git clone
git clone
# build image beyondcent/jobflow:v0.0.1 from local
cd JobFlow
make docker-build
deploy JobFlow from here
kubectl apply -f
deploy Volcano from here
kubectl apply -f
if cert of jobflow-webhook-service.kube-system.svc
has expired, generate one to replace it.
# delete expired cert in secrets
kubectl delete secret jobflow-webhook-server-cert -nkube-system
# use register new secret
cd volcano
./installer/dockerfile/webhook-manager/ --service jobflow-webhook-service --namespace kube-system --secret jobflow-webhook-server-cert
# restart jobflow-controller-manager
kubectl delete pod/jobflow-controller-manager-67847d59dd-j8dmc -nkube-system
# deploy jobTemplate first
cd volcano
kubectl apply -f example/jobflow/JobTemplate.yaml
# deploy jobFlow second
kubectl apply -f example/jobflow/JobFlow.yaml
# check them
kubectl get jt
kubectl get jf
kubectl get po