👨🏻💻 About Me
I graduated with a major in electrical engineering from Soongsil University. Currently, I am pursuing a master's degree under the guidance of Professor Jun-Won Choi in the Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence (SPA) Lab at Hanyang University.
My main interest lies at a development of Robust SLAM System by utilizing recent sensor fusion-based studies. The application that motivates me the most is autonomous driving of various robots. I am a sociable person, but also very calm. I enjoy gathering people together to learn something, and I enjoy thinking about and applying how to collaborate better with people. I strongly believe that we learn everything from failures.
- E-mail: leechanwoo25@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: Chanwoo Lee
- Place Recognition using Point Cloud (Dec 2023 ~ Present)
- Research project to enhance robustness of the point cloud place recognition task.
- stereo_img_publisher (Oct 2022 ~ May 2023)
- ros stereo image publisher using CamCapture library.
- CamCapture (Oct 2022)
- Simple c++ library to handle actual stereo cameras and retrieve images.
- SuperPoint-SLAM (Oct 2020 ~ Jan 2021)
- Visual SLAM project: Replace ORB feature extractor with SuperPoint based on ORB-SLAM2
- Got the Hyung-Nam Award from Soongsil University
- C++ SuperPoint using libtorch (Aug 2020 ~ Dec 2020)
- Converted the SuperPoint project to the C++ version (just for inference)
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