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Cardsity Game Server

Last Commit Docker Image License



Build docker image

docker build -t cardsity-game-server .

Run docker image

docker run -it -p 9012:9012 --rm --name cardsity-game-server cardsity-game-server

Compile it yourself

To compile this yourself you will need to link websocketpp and cpr. It's recommended to install these through vcpkg.

Note: To get everything running you have to change the card-deck server endpoint in the "addDeck" function found in the Lobby.cpp unless you are running the deck-server on the same network

Making your own client


Connection and basic packet structure

This is a websocket server that runs on port 9012.

Packets are always sent in json format.

For every packet you send you are expected to specify a requestId - which should always be unique.
The vue-client uses the library websocket-as-promised which implements requestId's by default.

All packets you receive will have the requestId you specified in them.


The first packet you are expected to send is a LoginRequest.
Then you can send a LobbyListRequest.
Then a CreateGameRequest or a JoinGameRequest.

List of packets that can be sent while in a lobby:


Custom Types - Sent in Response


int: id
int: lobbyId
string: name
string: color


string: text
int: ownerId


string: text
int: blanks


Connection: owner
int: points


string: name


arrayOf(Player): players
arrayOf(DeckInfo): decks
BlackCard: blackCard
int: currentRound
string: name
Player: czar
int: id

float: pickLimit
int: maxPlayers
int: maxRounds
int: maxPoints


int: id
bool: password
int: maxPlayers
string: name
int: playerCount
string: hostName


Packet Content Allowed in Lobby Allowed In-Game Allowed as Player Allowed as Czar Only as Host
LoginRequest string: name (^[a-zA-Z_-0-9äüö ]{3,16}$)
string: color [in Hex] (^#[A-F0-9]{6}$)
CreateGameRequest string: name (^[a-zA-Z_-0-9äüö ]{3,16}$)
string: password [empty string if none] (^[a-zA-Z_-0-9äüö]{0,16}$)
float: pickLimit (min: 0.5, max: 5)
int: maxPlayers (min: 3, max: 15)
int: maxRounds (min: 5, max 20)
int: maxPoints (min: 5, max: 25)
arrayOf(string): decks (contains the deckIds as string)
JoinGameRequest int: lobbyId
string: password [empty string if none] (^[a-zA-Z_-0-9äüö]{0,16}$)
LobbyListRequest int: pageNumber
int: pageSize
KickRequest int: playerId
string: message (^.{1,64}$)
✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CardPlayRequest arrayOf(string): cards (Text of the cards you want to play - you have to own them though) ✔️ ✔️
JokerCardRequest string: text (^.{1,64}$) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CzarPickRequest int: winnerId - Id of the selected card owner ✔️ ✔️
SendChatMessageRequest string: message (^.{1,64}$) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
LogoutRequest bool: confirmLogout ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
LeaveLobbyRequest bool: confirmLeave ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
StartGameRequest bool: startGame ✔️ ✔️


Packet Content Sent In Lobby Sent In-Game Contains requestId Answer to
Status string: message
bool: success
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ On Error: Everything
On Success: KickRequest, CardPlayRequest, JokerCardRequest, CzarPickRequest, SendChatMessageRequest, LeaveLobbyRequest, StartGameRequest
Welcome Connection: you ✔️ Login Request
UnrevealedCard int: unrevealedCardOwnerId ✔️ None
RevealCards arrayOf(WhiteCard): cards ✔️ None
CzarPickNotify int: winnerId ✔️ None
SentChatMessage Connection: sender
string: message
✔️ ✔️ None
HandUpdate arrayOf(WhiteCard): newHand ✔️ None
GameEnd Player: winner
arrayOf(tuple(Connection, BlackCard, arrayOf(WhiteCard))) cardHistory
✔️ None
KickNotify string: kickReason ✔️ ✔️ None
LobbyListResponse arrayOf(LobbyInfo): lobbies
int: totalRows
✔️ LobbyListRequest