Needed a simple way to check rabbitmq for connection and queue counts. This was the quick dirty solution. Posting as it might be useful for others and a nice beginning for a fuller featured plugin.
Just drop it in your NRPE or Nagios libexec directory.
We used this with NRPE on the server where rabbitmq was doing it's thing. Here's an example from our nrpe.cfg
command[rab_connection_count]=/cloud/src/server/nagios/nrpe64/libexec/check_rabbitmq -a connection_count -C 100 -W 80
command[rab_queries_count]=/cloud/src/server/nagios/nrpe64/libexec/check_rabbitmq -a queues_count -C 100 -W 80
Copyright (c) Nick Thuesen