The project is the official implementation of our BMVC 2020 paper, "Towards Fast and Light-Weight Restoration of Dark Images"
We show that we can enhance High Resolution,2848×4256, extremely dark single-image in the ballpark of 3 seconds even on a CPU. We achieve this with 2−7× fewer model parameters, 2−3× lower memory utilization, 5−20× speed up and yet maintain a competitive image reconstruction quality compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms. Watch the below video for results and overview.
If you find any information provided here useful please cite us,
title={Towards Fast and Light-Weight Restoration of Dark Images},
author={Lamba, Mohit and Balaji, Atul and Mitra, Kaushik},
booktitle={British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2018},