This repository contains a sample database of Movies, Actors, and Genres. It uses the sequelize.js library to create database models. In this repo we will be learning how to use sequelize.js by implementing functions and making their tests pass. You can run the code and tests as follows:
# if you don't have the ctp_user setup run the following and use the password: ctp_pass
createuser -P -s -e ctp_user
# create the test database (do this once)
createdb -h localhost -U ctp_user learn_sequelize
# clone this repo to your computer
npm install
npm test -- --watchAll
This will run all of the tests, and continuously re-run them as you implement the functions in the file learn-sequelize.js
NOTE: If you have the Jest plugin installed in Visual Studio Code, there may be issues running Jest on the command line at the same time. It's recommended to disable the VSCode jest plugin temporarily.
Implement the functions in learn-sequelize.js
You can use the following resources to learn more about the Sequelize.js library.
Use the
Extending Model
- using WHERE:
{ where: { column: value }}
- using AND/OR
- All Options for complex WHERE querying, limiting, ordering (sort)
- updating fields and