Hi everyone! We are 4 beginner hackers that are super passionate about software development. We have never had an in-person courses after studying at UW for 3 consecutive terms, so we are eager to get back to school as soon as possible! We would like to show our social responsibilities during the pandemic!
Members: Carol Duan, Xiaoyue Zhou, Yifan Yang, Yihan Yang
Time: Aug. 27, 2021 10PM - Aug. 29, 2021 10AM
Pitch: https://youtu.be/KW7128YqfBQ
The THEME of this Hackathon is bridging the gaps between technology and global issues. COVID-19, as one of the most significant issues that the world is facing, draws our attention. As students are returning to campus from all around the world, it is curcial to keep track of their vaccination status to ensure everyone's safety on campus. We are creating a shortcut of a data management system that would support the management of students' vaccination records.
npm install
npm start
Technology: nodeJS, JSON Server, BootStrap, Google Charts, SCSS, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML
- Students can add their personal information and vaccination records via index.html page
- Managers can view and search for a student's record using his/her student ID via table.html page
- General statistical information about all students that have registered in the system is displayed graphically in summary.html page
This project aims to provide free service for the institution to manage their students' information safely. In this special moment, we believe that making it free is the best thing that we could do to support the community. If we continue to maintain and add new features to this website, it could be used by different institutions not limited to schools, such as companies.
- Add a place to let students upload their proof of vaccination (format: pdf/jpg)
- Implement the full backend side using a remote DB to store information
- Implement the user system that displays the page differently for students and managers
- Implement the search bar on the table page more wisely by providing more entries
- ...
We believe that