The grammY package lets you easily write Telegram bots. Here is a quickstart for you to get started, but note that a better explanation is in our repo on GitHub.
You may also want to check out the docs.
Talk to @BotFather to create a new Telegram bot and obtain a bot token.
Paste the following code into a new file bot.ts
import { Bot } from "";
// Create bot object
const bot = new Bot(""); // <-- place your bot token inside this string
// Listen for messages
bot.command("start", (ctx) => ctx.reply("Welcome! Send me a photo!"));
bot.on("message:text", (ctx) => ctx.reply("That is text and not a photo!"));
bot.on("message:photo", (ctx) => ctx.reply("Nice photo! Is that you?"));
(ctx) =>
ctx.reply("Ha! Gotcha! You just edited this!", {
reply_to_message_id: ctx.editedMessage.message_id,
// Launch!
Congratulations! You have successfully created your first Telegram bot.
You can run it like so:
deno run --allow-net bot.ts