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A free Python course of Gustavo Guanabara
Guanabara asked us to put color in the terminal for all the exercises using the escape sequence ANSI, so I created a document named style.py then created some variables with the ANSI code and import this document into some of my exercises (i will not do this for all the exercises becouse I don't think thats beautiful) and put the variables of style.py in my code to make it more readable.
Note: I used 2 external modules: emoji and playsound so make sure you have instaled it on the venv
Without style.py
print('\033[7mHello World!\033[m')
With style.py
from ex.style import none, blue
name = input('What is your name? ')
age = int(input('How old are you? '))
weight = float(input('What is your weight? '))
print(f'Hi, {blue}{name}{none} you are {blue}{age}{none} and weighs {blue}{weight}{none} Kg')
I really enjoy taking this course. Python is a delicious language.
Coding is my passion than I want to study more and more.
Licensed with MIT.
LinkedIn Lauro Brant · GitHub BrantLauro · Twitter @BrantLauro · Instagram @brantlauro ·