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(german for History / Story / Tale) Let's you manage query-parameters with hooks.
Uses immer
and zustand
to manage the internal state.
Documentation & Demo: https://bowlingx.github.io/geschichte/index.html
API: https://bowlingx.github.io/geschichte/api/index.html
yarn add geschichte
npm install geschichte
import { pm, factoryParameters, serializers } from 'geschichte'
import { GeschichteWithHistory } from 'geschichte/historyjs'
import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history'
const parameterConfig = {
item: pm(
serializers.string, /** a basic collection of serializers is availble, like date, int, float, arrays */
(value?: V, initialValue?: V) => boolean /** define an optional skip function which will determine if the parameter will be included in the url or not */
/* ... more keys, any depth. */
// default value is either an object or a factory () => defaultValue
const defaultValue = {
item: 'defaultValue' /** it automatically skips null or default values*/
// exports a hook (`useQuery`), and
// utility methods `createQueryString` that let's you create a query string based on the described object anywhere outside of components etc.
// `parseQueryString` let's you parse a query string into an object as defined in the `parameterConfig`.
const { useQuery, createQueryString, parseQueryString } = factoryParameters(parameterConfig, defaultValue, /** optional namespace, (creates a prefix separated by a dot)*/);
const Component = () => {
const { values, pushState, replaceState, resetPush, resetReplace, createQueryString, batchReplaceState, batchPushState } = useQuery()
return (
<button onClick={() => pushState((values) => void ( values.item = "newValue" ))}>push new state</button>
<button onClick={() => replaceState((values) => void ( values.item = "anotherOne" ))}>replace state</button>
<button onClick={resetPush}>reset (push) to defaults</button>
<button onClick={resetReplace}>reset (replace) to defaults</button>
<div>The current queryString: {createQueryString()}</div>
const App = () => (
<GeschichteWithHistory history={createBrowserHistory()}>
<Component />
let's you describe and serialize an arbitrary object of any depth to your browsers query and history.
It takes care of updating the next state and current query in a efficient way using immerjs
It works on both the browser and server side (with createMemoryHistory
I was inspired by immer
and zustand
, so I picked a fitting german name :).
- Add more tests
- Propper examples and documentation of the full API
- Describe Use-Cases
It works out of the box with react-router (by providing the same history
Nextjs support is build in, but requires a different Adapter.
/** _app.tsx */
import React, { FC, memo, ReactNode } from 'react'
import GeschichteForNextjs from 'geschichte/nextjs'
import type { AppProps } from 'next/app'
function App({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
return (
<Component {...pageProps} />
export default memo(App)