Rust port of github's cmark-gfm
A binary is included which does everything you typically want:
$ comrak --help
comrak 0.2.6
Ashe Connor <>
A 100% CommonMark-compatible GitHub Flavored Markdown parser and formatter
comrak [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [--] [FILE]...
--footnotes Parse footnotes
--github-pre-lang Use GitHub-style <pre lang> for code blocks
--hardbreaks Treat newlines as hard line breaks
-h, --help Prints help information
--prepare-regexes Prepare regexes up front for benchmarking
-V, --version Prints version information
-e, --extension <EXTENSION>... Specify an extension name to use [values: strikethrough, tagfilter, table, autolink, tasklist, superscript, footnotes]
-t, --to <FORMAT> Specify output format [default: html] [values: html, commonmark]
--header-ids <PREFIX> Use the Comrak header IDs extension, with the given ID prefix
--width <WIDTH> Specify wrap width (0 = nowrap) [default: 0]
<FILE>... The CommonMark file to parse; or standard input if none passed
And there's a Rust interface. You can use comrak::markdown_to_html
use comrak::{markdown_to_html, ComrakOptions};
assert_eq!(markdown_to_html("Hello, **世界**!", &ComrakOptions::default()),
"<p>Hello, <strong>世界</strong>!</p>\n");
Or you can parse the input into an AST yourself, manipulate it, and then use your desired formatter:
extern crate comrak;
extern crate typed_arena;
use typed_arena::Arena;
use comrak::{parse_document, format_html, ComrakOptions};
use comrak::nodes::{AstNode, NodeValue};
// The returned nodes are created in the supplied Arena, and are bound by its lifetime.
let arena = Arena::new();
let root = parse_document(
"This is my input.\n\n1. Also my input.\n2. Certainly my input.\n",
fn iter_nodes<'a, F>(node: &'a AstNode<'a>, f: &F)
where F : Fn(&'a AstNode<'a>) {
for c in node.children() {
iter_nodes(c, f);
iter_nodes(root, &|node| {
match &mut {
&mut NodeValue::Text(ref mut text) => {
let orig = std::mem::replace(text, vec![]);
*text = String::from_utf8(orig).unwrap().replace("my", "your").as_bytes().to_vec();
_ => (),
let mut html = vec![];
format_html(root, &ComrakOptions::default(), &mut html).unwrap();
"<p>This is your input.</p>\n\
<li>Also your input.</li>\n\
<li>Certainly your input.</li>\n\
Comrak supports the five extensions to CommonMark defined in the GitHub Flavored Markdown Spec:
as well as superscript and footnotes.
By default none are enabled; they are individually enabled with each parse by
setting the appropriate values in the
Copyright (c) 2017, Ashe Connor. Licensed under the 2-Clause BSD License.
itself is is copyright (c) 2014, John MacFarlane.
See COPYING for all the details.
Thank you for PRs and issues opened!