Leafy is a Web Enumeration Tool that checks websites for possible LFI vulnerabilities
wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BlessedToastr/leafy/main/leafy.py
$ python3 leafy.py -h
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usage: leafy.py [-h] -m MODE [-i IP] [-p PORT] [-a PATH] [-P PARAM] [-P2 PARAM] [-l LIST]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MODE, --mode MODE What mode to run leafy on
-i IP, --ip IP The IP address of the website you are targeting
-p PORT, --port PORT The port the website is running on
-a PATH, --path PATH Full path
-P PARAM, --parameter PARAM
The parameter to use
-l LIST, --list LIST The full path to the wordlist
$ python3 leafy.py -m lfi -i <IP> -p <PORT> -a <PATH> -P <PARAMETER> -P2 <END PARAMETER> -l <WORDLIST>
$ python3 leafy.py -m dir -i <IP> -p <PORT> -a <PATH> -e <EXTENSION> -l <WORDLIST>
wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BlessedToastr/leafy/main/list
python3 leafy.py -m lfi -i -p 80 -a index.php -P ?page= -P2 '&ext=' -l /full/path/to/list
python3 leafy.py -m dir -i -p 80 -a '' -e '' -l /full/path/to/list
python3 leafy.py -m dir -i -p 80 -a '/admin' -e '.php' -l /full/path/to/list
Leafy is a script designed to test websites for LFI vulnerabilities. It draws from a list of potential LFI syntaxes and tests those on the domain provided. In the future, Leafy will be fleshed out to a script that does further Web Enumeration.
This script is designed to be for educational use only. Only use this script on networks and machines you have permission to use on. Any misuse of this script will no be the responsibility of the author or other collaborators of this project.
Created by BlessedToastr