Create the dynamic library containing all the functions listed below:
int _putchar(char c);
int _islower(int c);
int _isalpha(int c);
int _abs(int n);
int _isupper(int c);
int _isdigit(int c);
int _strlen(char *s);
void _puts(char *s);
char *_strcpy(char *dest, char *src);
int _atoi(char *s);
char *_strcat(char *dest, char *src);
char *_strncat(char *dest, char *src, int n);
char *_strncpy(char *dest, char *src, int n);
int _strcmp(char *s1, char *s2);
char *_memset(char *s, char b, unsigned int n);
char *_memcpy(char *dest, char *src, unsigned int n);
char *_strchr(char *s, char c);
unsigned int _strspn(char *s, char *accept);
char *_strpbrk(char *s, char *accept);
char *_strstr(char *haystack, char *needle);
If you haven’t coded all of the above functions create empty ones, with the right prototype.
Don’t forget to push your main.h file in your repository, containing at least all the prototypes of the above functions.
julien@ubuntu:~/0x18. Dynamic libraries$ ls -la lib*
-rwxrwxr-x 1 julien julien 13632 Jan 7 06:25
julien@ubuntu:~/0x18. Dynamic libraries$ nm -D
0000000000000a90 T _abs
0000000000000aa9 T _atoi
0000000000202048 B __bss_start
w __cxa_finalize
0000000000202048 D _edata
0000000000202050 B _end
00000000000011f8 T _fini
w __gmon_start__
0000000000000900 T _init
0000000000000bd7 T _isalpha
0000000000000c04 T _isdigit
0000000000000c25 T _islower
0000000000000c46 T _isupper
w _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
w _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
w _Jv_RegisterClasses
0000000000000c67 T _memcpy
0000000000000caa T _memset
0000000000000ce9 T _putchar
0000000000000d0e T _puts
0000000000000d4a T _strcat
0000000000000dcf T _strchr
0000000000000e21 T _strcmp
0000000000000e89 T _strcpy
0000000000000eeb T _strlen
0000000000000f15 T _strncat
0000000000000fa5 T _strncpy
0000000000001029 T _strpbrk
000000000000109d T _strspn
0000000000001176 T _strstr
U write
julien@ubuntu:~/0x18. Dynamic libraries$ cat 0-main.c
#include "main.h"
#include <stdio.h>
* main - check the code
* Return: Always EXIT_SUCCESS.
int main(void)
printf("%d\n", _strlen("My Dyn Lib"));
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
julien@ubuntu:~/0x18. Dynamic libraries$ gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -L. 0-main.c -ldynamic -o len
julien@ubuntu:~/0x18. Dynamic libraries$ ldd len => (0x00007fff5d1d2000) => not found => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f74c6bb9000)
/lib64/ (0x0000556be5b82000)
julien@ubuntu:~/0x18. Dynamic libraries$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
julien@ubuntu:~/0x18. Dynamic libraries$ ldd len => (0x00007fff41ae9000) => ./ (0x00007fd4bf2d9000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fd4beef6000)
/lib64/ (0x0000557566402000)
julien@ubuntu:~/0x18. Dynamic libraries$ ./len
julien@ubuntu:~/0x18. Dynamic libraries$
Create a script that creates a dynamic library called from all the .c files that are in the current directory.
julien@ubuntu:~/0x18. Dynamic libraries$ ls *.c
abs.c isalpha.c islower.c memcpy.c putchar.c strcat.c strcmp.c strlen.c strncpy.c strspn.c
atoi.c isdigit.c isupper.c memset.c puts.c strchr.c strcpy.c strncat.c strpbrk.c strstr.c
julien@ubuntu:~/0x18. Dynamic libraries$ ./
julien@ubuntu:~/0x18. Dynamic libraries$ nm -D --defined-only
0000000000000a90 T _abs
0000000000000aa9 T _atoi
0000000000202048 B __bss_start
0000000000202048 D _edata
0000000000202050 B _end
00000000000011f8 T _fini
0000000000000900 T _init
0000000000000bd7 T _isalpha
0000000000000c04 T _isdigit
0000000000000c25 T _islower
0000000000000c46 T _isupper
0000000000000c67 T _memcpy
0000000000000caa T _memset
0000000000000ce9 T _putchar
0000000000000d0e T _puts
0000000000000d4a T _strcat
0000000000000dcf T _strchr
0000000000000e21 T _strcmp
0000000000000e89 T _strcpy
0000000000000eeb T _strlen
0000000000000f15 T _strncat
0000000000000fa5 T _strncpy
0000000000001029 T _strpbrk
000000000000109d T _strspn
0000000000001176 T _strstr
julien@ubuntu:~/0x18. Dynamic libraries$
I know, you’re missing C when coding in Python. So let’s fix that!
Create a dynamic library that contains C functions that can be called from Python. See example for more detail.
julien@ubuntu:~/0x18$ cat
import random
import ctypes
cops = ctypes.CDLL('./')
a = random.randint(-111, 111)
b = random.randint(-111, 111)
print("{} + {} = {}".format(a, b, cops.add(a, b)))
print("{} - {} = {}".format(a, b, cops.sub(a, b)))
print("{} x {} = {}".format(a, b, cops.mul(a, b)))
print("{} / {} = {}".format(a, b, cops.div(a, b)))
print("{} % {} = {}".format(a, b, cops.mod(a, b)))
julien@ubuntu:~/0x16. Doubly linked lists$ python3
66 + -76 = -10
66 - -76 = 142
66 x -76 = -5016
66 / -76 = 0
66 % -76 = 66
julien@ubuntu:~/0x18$ python3
-34 + -57 = -91
-34 - -57 = 23
-34 x -57 = 1938
-34 / -57 = 0
-34 % -57 = -34
julien@ubuntu:~/0x18$ python3
-5 + -72 = -77
-5 - -72 = 67
-5 x -72 = 360
-5 / -72 = 0
-5 % -72 = -5
julien@ubuntu:~/0x18$ python3
39 + -62 = -23
39 - -62 = 101
39 x -62 = -2418
39 / -62 = 0
39 % -62 = 39
I bought a ticket for the Giga Millions and chose these numbers: 9, 8, 10, 24, 75 + 9. If you could run two commands on the same server where the Giga Millions program runs, could you make me win the Jackpot?
Our mole got us a copy of the program, you can download it here. Our mole also gave us a piece of documentation:
/* Giga Millions program
* Players may pick six numbers from two separate pools of numbers:
* - five different numbers from 1 to 75 and
* - one number from 1 to 15
* You win the jackpot by matching all six winning numbers in a drawing.
* Your chances to win the jackpot is 1 in 258,890,850
* usage: ./gm n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 bonus
You can’t modify the program gm itself as Master Sysadmin Sylvain (MSS) always checks its MD5 before running it
The system is an Linux Ubuntu 16.04
The server has internet access
Our mole will be only able to run two commands from a shell script, without being detected by MSS
Your shell script should be maximum 3 lines long. You are not allowed to use ;, &&, ||, |, ` (it would be detected by MSS), and have a maximum of two commands
Our mole has only the authorization to upload one file on the server. It will be your shell script
Our mole will run your shell script this way: mss@gm_server$ . ./
Our mole will run your shell script from the same directory containing the program gm, exactly 98 seconds before MSS runs gm with my numbers: ./gm 9 8 10 24 75 9
MSS will use the same terminal and session than our mole
Before running the gm program, MSS always check the content of the directory
MSS always exit after running the program gm
TL;DR; This is what is going to happen
mss@gm_server$ . ./
mss@gm_server$ rm
mss@gm_server$ ls -la
. .. gm
mss@gm_server$ history -c
mss@gm_server$ clear
mss@gm_server$ ls -la
. .. gm
mss@gm_server$ md5sum gm
d52e6c18e0723f5b025a75dea19ef365 gm
mss@gm_server$ ./gm 9 8 10 24 75 9
--> Please make me win!
mss@gm_server$ exit
1: created a main.h header file
2: created a dynamic.c file containing all required c functions
3: entered the command "gcc -c -fPIC dynamic.c -o dynamic.o" to compile the source code into an object file.
4: enterd the command "gcc -shared dynamic.o -o" to create a shared libary, i used the object file to create the shared libary ""
5: entered "ls -la lib* " to list only libary files
6: entered "nm -D" to list the functions in the libary file in alphabetical order.
1: created a C file containing 5 functions: add, sub, mul, div, mod. returned their operation
2: entered this code "gcc -shared -fPIC -o pythonfunc.c"