0-puts_recursion.c: Write a function that prints a string, followed by a new line. Prototype: void _puts_recursion(char *s); FYI: The standard library provides a similar function: puts. Run man puts to learn more.
1-print_rev_recursion.c: Write a function that prints a string in reverse. Prototype: void _print_rev_recursion(char *s);
2-strlen_recursion.c: Write a function that returns the length of a string. Prototype: int _strlen_recursion(char *s); FYI: The standard library provides a similar function: strlen. Run man strlen to learn more.
3-factorial.c: Write a function that returns the factorial of a given number. Prototype: int factorial(int n); If n is lower than 0, the function should return -1 to indicate an error Factorial of 0 is 1
4-pow_recursion.c: Write a function that returns the value of x raised to the power of y. Prototype: int _pow_recursion(int x, int y); If y is lower than 0, the function should return -1 FYI: The standard library provides a different function: pow. Run man pow to learn more.
5-sqrt_recursion.c: Write a function that returns the natural square root of a number. Prototype: int _sqrt_recursion(int n); If n does not have a natural square root, the function should return -1 FYI: The standard library provides a different function: sqrt. Run man sqrt to learn more.
6-is_prime_number.c: Write a function that returns 1 if the input integer is a prime number, otherwise return 0. Prototype: int is_prime_number(int n);
100-is_palindrome.c: Write a function that returns 1 if a string is a palindrome and 0 if not. Prototype: int is_palindrome(char *s); An empty string is a palindrome
101-wildcmp.c: Write a function that compares two strings and returns 1 if the strings can be considered identical, otherwise return 0. Prototype: int wildcmp(char *s1, char *s2); s2 can contain the special character *. The special char * can replace any string (including an empty string)