Paytm Wallet is a digital wallet application where users can sign in and securely transfer money to other registered users. The project is built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js), providing a robust and scalable solution.
- User registration and login system
- Secure money transfers between users
- JWT-based authentication for enhanced security
- Payment history tracking for all transactions
- Ability for users to update account information
- Option to delete user accounts
- Fully responsive UI using Tailwind CSS
- Real-time updates and seamless user experience
This project is ideal for anyone looking to understand the implementation of a wallet system using modern web development technologies.
Client: React, recoil, react-router-dom, TailwindCSS
Server: Node, Express, zod, jwt
Databse: Mongodb, mongoose
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd paytm
Install dependencies on both frontent and backend
cd frontend && npm i
cd backend && npm i
Add a .env file in the foot folder of the backend
Start backend server
cd backend && npm run build
Start frontend
cd frontend && npm run dev