Tweet extraction application with Twitter API. Tweets will be using for Deep Learning with TensorFlow. Tweets should be clear for learning.
Designed and Implemented By:
This application has three components, below these three components will be clarified. Each application has own purpose, that's why there are three components.
This application connects Twitter thanks to authorization keys provided by Twitter for developers. Needed tweets are Turkish tweets, that's why application is tracking
language. However, one can change filter option. Collected tweets from Twitter are inserted into database. -
Unfortunately, tweets are hard to read and interpreted by computers. That's why, this application is removing unnecessary elements, words in tweets (emojis, links, short words etc.).
This application reads tweets from text file and transfers to the database. At the end, clear database will be using with Elastic Search, but this is not scope of this application.
Important Note: Insertion of tweets to database has not been done one by one. Scheduler is created and set to 1 minute. Each 1 minute, batch tweets are inserted and committed into database. This method boosts the application speed.
- Twitter account with phone verification is needed.
- From Twitter Developer website, 4 authorization keys should be obtained and
integrated to application.
- Consumer Key
- Consumer Secret
- Access Token
- Access Token Secret
- MySQL database configuration has been used.
- Configure persistence.xml for database connection pool / username / password etc.