- Data Mining Library in C Sharp
- Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Fröhlingsdorf, ceka.5cf.de
- License: GNU GPL v. 2
Ceka is an open source pure C# Library for Data Mining and Data(set) Pre-processing. It is using a very flexible in-memory model of WEKA's Attribute-Relation File Format. Ceka contains 'Miners' from all groups: association rules, classification, clustering and more of Data Mining Algorithms. It was initially created by C. Froehlingsdorf to predict treatments for Breast Cancer Patients at Southampton Solent University's (UHS HPHI Project).
###Ceka is available as NuGet Package:
PM> Install-Package DM.Ceka
##Find more info on Ceka at https://ceka.5cf.de/ Find Ceka's documentation at https://ceka.5cf.de/documentation/html/R_Project_CekaDocumentation.htm Alternatively drop an issue here on GitHub or send a mail to ceka@5cf.de
Please make sure that you download & include the MySQL.Data.dll (Download for ".NET and Mono") http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/net/ If you want to use the MySQL Table -> ARFF file functionalities of Ceka.