Simple item catalog application to store, view and edit data filtered by a 'category'.
- Python 2.7
- Flask 1.12
- SQLAlchemy / ORM
- sqlite
- oAuth2Client
- httplib2 Module (Python)
- JSON Module (Python)
- Requests Module (Python)
- Bootstrap 4.1
- jQuery 3.3.1
- popper.js 1.14
- Fork and Clone Repo
- Run the file first - this creates the Model and SQLite DB
(If run correctly, you should now see 2 new files, database_setup.pyc and itemcatalog.db)
- Next, run the file to load in some sample data to itemcatalog.db
(your terminal console should display a 'success' message on completion)
- Run the application server using your terminal window of choice
- Open up a web Browser, and navigate to the following address (Port 8080 is requred)
- Log in to App using the Google Sign in button on any page first to initialize the first User (UserID 1)
Every item in the seeder code has a UserID of '1' by default. This user will not exist however until the first user has logged in successfully. There is no way to edit / delete items through the UI unless you are logged in, but if you try to navigate to the JSON endpoints or Edit / Delete URLs before the first usere has logged in, you may recieve a error.
There are currently 3 url endpoints which will return JSON objects. These URLs are not visible through the UI.
Returns a list of all items in the catalog, grouped by category
Returns a list of items which are in the category specified in the <item_category> part of the URL. eg; '/catalog/snowbaording/JSON' will return a list of all items grouped under the 'snowboarding' category. For categories with multiple words, simply remove the spaces eg; '/catalog/indoorsports/JSON' will return items in the 'Indoor Sports' category
Returns all items in all categories, unfiltered.