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Charlatan is a query engine for lists or streams of records in different formats. It natively supports CSV and JSON formats but can easily be extended to others.

It supports an SQL-like query language that is defined below. Queries are applied to records to extract values depending on zero or more criteria.

Query Syntax

SELECT <fields> FROM <source> [ WHERE <value> ] [ STARTING AT <index> ]
  • <fields> is a list of comma-separated field names. Each field name must exist in the source. When reading CSV files, the field names are the column names, while when reading JSON they represent keys.
  • <source> is the filename from which the data is read. The API is agnostique on this and one can implement support for any source type.
  • <value> is a SQL-like value, which can be either a constant (e.g. WHERE 1), a field (e.g. WHERE archived) or any operation using comparison operators (=, !=, <, <=, >, >=, AND, OR) and optionally parentheses (e.g. WHERE (foo > 2) AND (bar = "yo")). The parser allows to use && instead of AND and || instead of OR.
  • <index> can be used to skip the first N records.

Constant values include strings, integers, floats, booleans and the null value.


SELECT CountryName FROM sample/csv/population.csv WHERE Year = 2010 AND Value > 50000000 AND Value < 70000000
SELECT name, age FROM sample/json/people.jsons WHERE stats.walking > 30 AND stats.biking < 300


The library is responsible for parsing the query and executing against records. Everything else is up to you, including how fields are retrieved from records.

Note: code examples below don’t include error handling for clarity purposes.

// parse the query
query, _ := charlatan.QueryFromString("SELECT foo FROM myfile.json WHERE foo > 2")

// open the source file
reader, _ := os.Open(query.From())

defer reader.Close()

// skip lines if the query contains "STARTING AT <n>"
skip := query.StartingAt()

for {
    if skip >= 0 {

    // get a new JSON record
    r, err := record.NewJSONRecordFromReader(reader)

    if err == io.EOF {

    // evaluate the query against the record to test if it matches
    if match, _ := query.Evaluate(r); !match {

    // extract the values and print them
    values, _ := query.FieldsValues(r)
    fmt.Printf("%v\n", values)

Two record types are included: JSONRecord and CSVRecord. Implementing a record only requires one method: Find(*Field) (*Const, error), which takes a field and return its value.

As an example, let’s implement a LineRecord that’ll be used to get specific characters on each line of a file, c0 being the first character:

type LineRecord struct { Line string }

func (r *LineRecord) Find(f *charlatan.Field) (*charlatan.Const, error) {

    // this is the field value we must return
    name := f.Name()

    // we reject fields that doesn't start with 'c'
    if len(name) < 2 || name[0] != 'c' {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown field '%s'", name)

    // we extract the character index from the field name.
    index, err := strconv.ParseInt(name[1:], 10, 64)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // let's not be too strict and accept out-of-range indexes
    if index < 0 || index >= int64(len(r.Line)) {
        return charlatan.StringConst(""), nil

    return charlatan.StringConst(fmt.Sprintf("%c", r.Line[index])), nil

One can now loop over a file’s content, construct LineRecords from its lines and evaluate queries against them:

query, _ := charlatan.QueryFromString("SELECT c1 FROM myfile WHERE c0 = 'a'")

f, _ := os.Open(query.From())
defer f.Close()

s := bufio.NewScanner(f)
for s.Scan() {
    r := &LineRecord{Line: s.Text()}

    if m, _ := query.Evaluate(r); !m {

    values, _ := query.FieldsValues(r)
    fmt.Printf("%v\n", values)


Two examples are included in the repository under sample/csv/ and sample/json/.


  • Nicolas DOUILLET
  • Vincent RISCHMANN
  • Baptiste FONTAINE