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Linear Solvers and Eigenvalues

jcanny edited this page Jun 15, 2014 · 12 revisions

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Matrix Inverse

The function inv(A) returns the inverse of the square matrix A. Matrix inversion is an O(n^3) operation. If given a second argument, inv places the result in that second matrix.

> val a = rand(4,4)
   0.75591   0.51697   0.33410   0.25645
   0.91592   0.19109   0.64584   0.77816
   0.82078   0.93623   0.25824   0.88392
   0.58401  0.066242   0.58547   0.12139
> val b = inv(a)
    4.5832    2.1498   -2.7010   -3.7955
   -1.2931   -2.3139    2.0868    2.3700
   -4.0738   -2.1043    2.3012    5.3390
   -1.6960    1.0694   0.75683  -0.54570
> a * b
       1.0000   2.3842e-07  -3.1292e-07   3.1292e-07
   2.3842e-07       1.0000  -4.7684e-07   4.1723e-07
   3.5763e-07   4.7684e-07       1.0000   2.0862e-07
   1.7881e-07   2.8312e-07  -3.0547e-07       1.0000
> val c = zeros(4,4)
> inv(a, c)
> c
    4.5832    2.1498   -2.7010   -3.7955
   -1.2931   -2.3139    2.0868    2.3700
   -4.0738   -2.1043    2.3012    5.3390
   -1.6960    1.0694   0.75683  -0.54570


Real Symmetric Matrices

There are two eigenvalue functions for real symmetric matrices seig and feig. Both can return two values: a column vector of eigenvalues, and a square matrix whose columns are the corresponding eigenvectors. The seig function takes two arguments, the matrix A, and a boolean flag which determines whether the eigenvectors are returned. seig uses reduction to tridiagonal form followed by calculation of eigenvalues. The second function is feig which uses a faster, divide-and-conquer algorithm for eigenvalues and eigenvectors. seig always returns eigenvectors and does not have a flag to turn this off. Both functions work on both single precision (FMat) and double precision (DMat) arguments.

scala> aa
aa: BIDMat.DMat =
  2.9260  1.6648  2.5727  2.2300
  1.6648  1.3799  1.6853  1.4514
  2.5727  1.6853  3.1019  2.3740
  2.2300  1.4514  2.3740  2.2825

scala> val (v, m)= seig(aa, true)
v: BIDMat.DMat =

m: BIDMat.DMat =
  -0.13731   0.40833  -0.71388   0.55207
  -0.12716  -0.90024  -0.21440   0.35697
  -0.50598   0.14970   0.62654   0.57360
   0.84200  0.020595   0.22771   0.48863

scala> aa * m /@ m
res31: BIDMat.DMat =
  0.27301  0.31132  0.45670   8.6492
  0.27301  0.31132  0.45670   8.6492
  0.27301  0.31132  0.45670   8.6492
  0.27301  0.31132  0.45670   8.6492

Both algorithms take O(n^3) steps, and feig is about twice as fast as seig when retrieving the eignvectors. feig should be used only with positive definite matrices. seig requires about twice as many flops (3 n^3 vs 4/3 n^3) as matrix inversion, but the calculation is less uniform and the MFlop/s achieved is lower.

Note that these functions always return two amatrices. If the second argument to seig is false (dont return eigenvectors), the second returned result should be discarded.

General Real Matrices

There is a third eigenvalue routine which can deal with non-symmetric matrices. This routine is called geig and returns complex results.

> val a = rand(3,3)
  0.12405  0.44249  0.56792
  0.48652  0.16163  0.97430
  0.87441  0.56278  0.50188
> val (x,y) = geig(a)
> x
> y
  -0.43595-0.057657i   -0.35285+0.19000i   -0.40351-0.28035i
  -0.59819-0.079114i  -0.040044-0.79776i   -0.15932+0.96626i
  -0.65949-0.087222i    0.31174+0.36049i    0.42970-0.39594i

Cholesky Decomposition

The function chol computes a Cholesky factorization A=L*L^T of a symmetric matrix. The factor is returned a a lower-triangular matrix.

scala> aa
res33: BIDMat.DMat =
  2.9260  1.6648  2.5727  2.2300
  1.6648  1.3799  1.6853  1.4514
  2.5727  1.6853  3.1019  2.3740
  2.2300  1.4514  2.3740  2.2825

scala> val b = chol(aa)
b: BIDMat.DMat =
   1.7105        0        0        0
  0.97325  0.65778        0        0
   1.5040  0.33675  0.85233        0
   1.3037  0.27752  0.37518  0.60420

scala> b * b.t
res34: BIDMat.DMat =
  2.9260  1.6648  2.5727  2.2300
  1.6648  1.3799  1.6853  1.4514
  2.5727  1.6853  3.1019  2.3740
  2.2300  1.4514  2.3740  2.2825

Cholesky factorization is an O(n^3) calculation, and is about twice as fast as matrix inversion.

Triangular Solve

The trisolve function solves triangular systems of the form T x = y for x. trisolve accepts a string argument that specifies the type of calculation. The mode string has three letters:

  • Char1 is "U" or "L" for upper or lower triangular matrices.
  • Char2 = "N", "T" or "C" for A not-transposed, transposed or conjugate respectively.
  • Char3 = "N" or "U" whether the leading diagonal is non-unit "N" or unit "U" respectively.
scala> b
res35: BIDMat.DMat =
   1.7105        0        0        0
  0.97325  0.65778        0        0
   1.5040  0.33675  0.85233        0
   1.3037  0.27752  0.37518  0.60420

scala> val y = rand(4,1)
y: BIDMat.DMat =

scala> val x = trisolve(b, y, "LNN")
x: BIDMat.DMat =

scala> b*x
res36: BIDMat.DMat =

Triangular matrix solving is an O(n^2) operation for vectors x and y, or O(n^2 k) for k x n matrices x, y.

QR Decomposition

There are thick and thin QR decomposition routines. QRdecomp operates on FMat, DMat or CMat arguments and returns a standard QR decomposition of matching type. That is given m x n a, it returns m x m orthonormal Q and m x n upper-triangular R. i.e.

> val (q, r) = QRdecomp(a)
The QRdecomp routine will also store results into the second and third arguments if given:
> QRdecomp(a, q, r)

Three related routines produce a "thin" QR-decomposition. QRdecompt also operates on FMat, DMat, or CMat inputs and returns a thin QR-decomposition of matching type. i.e. Given m x n input A with m >= n, return m x n orthonormal Q and n x n upper triangular R such that A = Q*R. These routines can also be called with second and third arguments and will store the factorization into those arguments.


There is an experimental block-GMRES implementation. GMRES is an iterative solver for non-symmetric matrices. Block GMRES is a communication-minimizing algorithm that computes powers <math>A^p*V</math> with n x s matrices <math>V</math> rather than n x 1 vectors. The arguments are:

def blgmres(A:FMat, b:FMat, nrst:Int, m:Int, s:Int, tol:Float)
where A is the input matrix, b, the RHS of the equation A X = b, nrst is the number of restarts, m the number of powers to keep, s the dimension of the blocks <math>A^p*V</math>, tol the tolerance (stopping criterion).