Astus' Mathematical Display Application
Current features:
- Use (Shift+)AltGr+Key to type Mathematical Symbols (Refer to AMaDiA_ReplacementTables)
- Tab 1 : Scientific Calculator
- Calculate with +,-,×,÷,√,^, Integral f(x) dx, d(f(x))/dx, y'(x), complex numbers, sin(), cos(), tan(), exp(), log() , π , E and more
- Solve an equation with unknown variables
- Solve Differential Equations (including particular solutions)
- Test for equality of two terms
- Use mathematic Unicode symbols to type faster!
- Calculate with +,-,×,÷,√,^, Integral f(x) dx, d(f(x))/dx, y'(x), complex numbers, sin(), cos(), tan(), exp(), log() , π , E and more
- Tab 2 : Convert input to LaTeX and display it
- Tab 3 : Plot 2D Graphs (3D and complex Graphs are WIP)
- Tab 4 : Equations with matrices and vectors as well as systems of linear equations
- Tab 5 : Everything for System Control (WIP)
- LAN chat program
- Intended for sharing equations with other users in the same network to make cooperative working easier
- Separate Server and Client applications
- Allows sending of text and text files
- Share text files with all other users in the network via drag'n'drop into the input field
- Server has some moderation tools (Muting/Kicking/Banning
- WARNING: Messages are currently not encrypted! Do not send sensitive data!!!
- Intended for sharing equations with other users in the same network to make cooperative working easier
Feedback is welcome
Suggestions are welcome
Requests are welcome
On Windows:
- Install
- Install
- Create two files "AMaDiA.bat" and "AMaDiA_INSTALL.bat" and copy the text from the two file in WINDOWS-INSTALL into them by rightcklicking on them and selecting the modify option
- doubleclick on "AMaDiA_INSTALL.bat" to install AMaDiA
- From now on doubleclicking on AMaDiA.bat will update and then run AMaDiA
(Disclaimer: Use theses .bat files on your own risk. I doubt they can cause any harm but i am no expert on batch files and can not foresee all eventualities)
On Linux [WIP]:
- sudo apt-install git
- Install or sudo apt-install ...
- [Console commands for installation and Alias for Update/Start coming soon]
On OSX [???]:
- I don't have access to OSX and am not even sure how good AMaDiA runs on it... Sorry but I can not help you...
- If anyone has a good description how to easily install/update+run a python script on OSX feel free to inform me so I can add it here
Screenshot from the very old Version 0.2.1
Planned features for (near) future (order reflects priority):
- Make a new Demo Screenshot since the 0.2.1 is quite outdated
- Tab 5 for System Control
- Make Tab 4 even easier to use
- Plot 3D and complex functions
- (Continuous:) Better parser to allow a more flexible input
- Simple Texteditor
- Allow the user to change the Font
- Add more colour-schemes
- Unit converter
- Unit calculator
- Automatic recognition for PDEs so that the user no longer has to put them in "pdsolve(...)"
- PDF-Viewer
- Save/load the history