Introduction to C++ utilities and understanding the basics of C++98. Overall 10 CPP projects starting with easy utilities and moving to advanced STL libraries towards the end. Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the directory:
cd CPP/<CPPmodule> && make
To start the program, run the following command.
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This project contains 10 modules on the fundamentals of C++.
namespace, stdio stream, class & instance, member attributes & functions, non-member attributes & functions, this pointer, initialization list, static, const, accessor/getters, class vs. struct
new and delete, references, file streams, lifetime, scope
Ad-hoc polymorphism/function overload, operators overload, canonical classes, copy constructor
inheritance, access specifier, multiple inheritance, the diamond problem
subtype polymorphism, abstract classes, interfaces, virtual keyword
repetition and exceptions
static_cast, dynamic_cast, reintepretate_cast, const_cast
templates (function & class)
STL containers and algorithms