- 🎓 Pursuing my Bachelors in Electronic and Communication Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur
- 🎼 Always looking to collaborate on amazing projects!
- 🌱 Web Developer | Hobbyist AR/VR Development Enthusiast | Exploring AI, Drone Technologies, and DevOps
- 🚀 Currently working on cutting-edge drone-based landslide detection projects using Lidar, GPR, and thermal imaging.
- Drone-based Landslide Detection and Rescue: Developing a multi-modal detection system with Lidar, GPR, and AI-powered detection for rapid deployment in disaster-prone regions.
- Real-time Chat Systems: Building collaborative spaces for users with advanced features.
- DevOps & Cloud: Learning Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, and Vagrant for cloud infrastructure automation.
- AR/VR Projects: Exploring Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) for innovative and interactive experiences.
Want to reach out to me? Feel free to contact me!
- Mastering DevOps practices to streamline development workflows.
- Continuing to explore AI/ML and autonomous systems.
- Building a full-stack drone-based system to revolutionize disaster management.