A small XM (FastTracker II Extended Module) player library. Designed for easy integration in demos and such, and provides timing functions for easy sync (well, not yet, but it's planned).
Written in C11 and released under the WTFPL license, version 2.
Three example programs are provided.
will play a module and output a.au
file to standard output. Example usages:-
Directly play a module (requires the
package):./xmtoau my_module.xm | play -
Convert the data to a .wav file on the fly, then play it with
:./xmtoau my_module.xm | ffmpeg -i - file.wav mplayer file.wav
is a simple player that uses the ALSA library. -
is a benchmark program.
Status |##| Eff | Info | Description
DONE |00| 0 | | Arpeggio
DONE |01| 1 | (*) | Porta up
DONE |02| 2 | (*) | Porta down
DONE |03| 3 | (*) | Tone porta
|04| 4 | (*) | Vibrato
DONE |05| 5 | (*) | Tone porta+Volume slide
PARTIAL |06| 6 | (*) | Vibrato+Volume slide
|07| 7 | (*) | Tremolo
DONE |08| 8 | | Set panning
|09| 9 | | Sample offset
DONE |10| A | (*) | Volume slide
DONE |11| B | | Position jump
DONE |12| C | | Set volume
DONE |13| D | | Pattern break
DONE |14| E1 | (*) | Fine porta up
DONE |--| E2 | (*) | Fine porta down
|--| E3 | | Set gliss control
|--| E4 | | Set vibrato control
|--| E5 | | Set finetune
|--| E6 | | Set loop begin/loop
|--| E7 | | Set tremolo control
|--| E9 | | Retrig note
DONE |--| EA | (*) | Fine volume slide up
DONE |--| EB | (*) | Fine volume slide down
DONE |--| EC | | Note cut
|--| ED | | Note delay
|--| EE | | Pattern delay
DONE |15| F | | Set tempo/BPM
DONE |16| G | | Set global volume
DONE |17| H | (*) | Global volume slide
DONE |20| K | | Key off (Also note number 97)
DONE |21| L | | Set envelope position
DONE |25| P | (*) | Panning slide
DONE |27| R | (*) | Multi retrig note
|28| T | | Tremor
DONE |33| X1 | (*) | Extra fine porta up
DONE |--| X2 | (*) | Extra fine porta down
Status | Value | Meaning
DONE | $10-$50 | Set volume (Value-$10)
DONE | $60-$6f | Volume slide down
DONE | $70-$7f | Volume slide up
DONE | $80-$8f | Fine volume slide down
DONE | $90-$9f | Fine volume slide up
| $a0-$af | Set vibrato speed
| $b0-$bf | Vibrato
DONE | $c0-$cf | Set panning
DONE | $d0-$df | Panning slide left
DONE | $e0-$ef | Panning slide right
DONE | $f0-$ff | Tone porta
- Autovibrato: TODO
- Frequence tables: linear OK, amiga TODO
- Ping-pong loop: TODO
Thanks to:
Thunder kurttt@sfu.ca, for writing the
file; -
Matti "ccr" Hamalainen ccr@tnsp.org, for writing the
file; -
Mr.H of Triton and Guru and Alfred of Sahara Surfers, for writing the specification of XM 1.04 files.