A simple implementation of the iconic digital rain effect for Nushell.
Download the script, import it with use digital-rain.nu
and run with digital-rain
Tinker with animation speed, spawn rate of droplets, lengths and colors of parts
of the droplets, the background color and displayed characters to your heart's
content. Call with -h
or --help
for more info about animation parameters.
Here's an example you can paste into your Nushell session after importing the script
--drop-len 6
--tip-len 2
--tail-len 2
--drop-clr (ansi -e {fg: '#828998'})
--tip-clr (ansi -e {fg: '#acb0b8'})
--tail-clr (ansi -e {fg: '#68707c'})
--bg-clr (ansi -e {bg: '#4d5665'})
--speed 400
--period 5
Or just enjoy sensible defaults
For this script to be run your terminal must support ANSI escape codes which it most likely does. This script was tested on Windows Terminal and GNOME Terminal.