This project has been created by Nodejs , ExpressJs and Mongodb
1️⃣ npm install
2️⃣ create .env file + adding variables
3️⃣ npm start
4️⃣ use it with routing system like "/api/todos/" + "Request Methods"
🔗 { POST } -- "/api/todos/" -- { Create new todo }
🔗 { GET } -- "/api/todos/" -- { Get all todos }
🔗 { GET } -- "/api/todos/:id" -- { Get todo by ID }
🔗 { PATCH } -- "/api/todos/:id" -- { Update todo by ID }
🔗 { DELETE } -- "/api/todos/" -- { Delete all todos }
🔗 { DELETE } -- "/api/todos/:id" -- { Delete todo by ID }