This is a sample on how you can show dialog windows in Avalonia.FuncUI and have them communicate via .NET events and Elmish Subscriptions
Inside Main window we declare an IWindowInterface, this is to avoid coupling the service with an Avalonia window, in case you want to share the elmish code with another implementation or code base
interface IWindowService with
member _.OpenDialog<'T>(kind: WindowKind) =
match kind with
| Counter ->
Dispatcher.UIThread.InvokeAsync<'T>(fun _ ->
let window = CounterWindow()
window.ShowDialog<'T> this)
| Todos ->
Dispatcher.UIThread.InvokeAsync<'T>(fun _ ->
let window = TodosWindow()
window.ShowDialog<'T> this)
in our update function we add as a third parameter the service we want to work with (IWindowService in this case)
let update (msg: Msg) (state: State) (windowService: IWindowService): State * Cmd<Msg> =
match msg with
| OpenCounter -> state, Cmd.OfTask.perform windowService.OpenDialog Counter (fun () -> WindowClosed)
| OpenTodos -> state, Cmd.OfTask.perform windowService.OpenDialog Todos (fun () -> WindowClosed)
| WindowClosed ->
printfn "Window closed"
state, Cmd.none
| IntSent number ->
{ state with number = number }, Cmd.none
| TodoSent todos ->
{ state with todos = todos }, Cmd.none
DISCLAIMER: I'm not sure this is a good approach, or if there are concurrency issues with this but that's A way I could think of resolving this problem, feel free to let me know if there are better approaches.
Let's say you want to communicate between windows, there's no built-in way to do that via elmish, since Elmish was made for the browser where the window
concept doesn't exist, for that we'll go for a PubSub approach using .NET events
namespace MultiWindow
module Events =
let private intEvent = Event<int>()
let private todoEvent = Event<string list>()
let IntEvent = intEvent.Publish
let PublishInt number = intEvent.Trigger(number)
let TodoEvent = todoEvent.Publish
let PublishTodos number = todoEvent.Trigger(number)
In one of the child windows we just need to call the Publish function
let update (msg: Msg) (state: State): State =
match msg with
| UpdateCurrent current -> { state with currentTodo = current }
| AddTodo ->
let todos = state.currentTodo :: state.todos
Events.PublishTodos(todos) // <-- this one right here
{ state with
todos = todos }
| RemoveTodo name ->
let todos =
|> List.filter (fun tname -> name <> tname)
Events.PublishTodos(todos) // <-- this one right here
{ state with
todos = todos }
let update (msg: Msg) (state: State): State =
match msg with
| Increment ->
let count = state.count + 1
Events.PublishInt count // <- this one right here
{ state with count = count }
| Decrement ->
let count = state.count - 1
Events.PublishInt count // <- this one right here
{ state with count = count }
| Reset ->
Events.PublishInt init.count // <- this one right here
In the MainWindow
we can create a Subscriptions
module that handles the subscriptions
module MainWindow =
(* ... *)
module Subs =
let intSent _ =
let sub dispatch =
Events.IntEvent.Subscribe(fun value -> dispatch (IntSent value))
|> ignore
Cmd.ofSub sub
let todosSent _ =
let sub dispatch =
Events.TodoEvent.Subscribe(fun value -> dispatch (TodoSent value))
|> ignore
Cmd.ofSub sub
In our MainWindow we just need to subscibe to those
type MainWindow() as this =
inherit HostWindow()
base.Title <- "Main Window"
base.Width <- 400.0
base.Height <- 400.0
let update state msg =
MainWindow.update state msg (this :> IWindowService)
Elmish.Program.mkProgram MainWindow.init update MainWindow.view
|> Program.withHost this
|> Program.withSubscription MainWindow.Subs.intSent
|> Program.withSubscription MainWindow.Subs.todosSent
// implement your IWindowService
interface IWindowService with
member _.OpenDialog<'T>(kind: WindowKind) =
match kind with
| Counter ->
Dispatcher.UIThread.InvokeAsync<'T>(fun _ ->
let window = CounterWindow()
window.ShowDialog<'T> this)
| Todos ->
Dispatcher.UIThread.InvokeAsync<'T>(fun _ ->
let window = TodosWindow()
window.ShowDialog<'T> this)