Yo 🤙 ! I'm Amogelang, usually people call me Amo. I love using JavaScript to build whatever I can imagine.
I'm a fullstack engineer at Naked, helping the team build instant & online insurance at game-changing prices. 🥊
I'm big on learning how to integrate bleedging edge tech that improves my developer experince into my production
workflows, in the fastest way possible.
Big believer in learning how to do difficult things and then replicating them at speed in a simple and sustainable manner. 🧁 As well as putting everything I learn on the job out in the open for the community to benefit from.
- React
- Vue
- GraphQL
- Jest
- Testing library
- AWS (Lambda, DynamoDB, Cognito, SES, SNS, SQS,S3)
- Netlify
- Seed
- Design Systems
- My brain to think about problems deeply
- A positive mindset
- Hunger/desire (helps to ship small iterative chunks of work 🐐).
const opinion = "If you can't read and understand other programming languages you're a suspect dev"
const unpopularOpinion = () => console.log(opinion)