👨🎓 Senior at MAIT Delhi
A little more about me...
const Aman = {
"Description"="I am currently a Senior at MAIT Delhi and a Full stack MERN web developer."
"Frontend:" ["HTML5", "CSS3","Tailwind CSS", "Chakra UI" ,"JavaScript", "React JS", "Typescript", "Next JS"],
"Backend:" ["Nodejs", "Express JS"],
"Programming Languages" ["C", "C++", "Java"]
"Databases" ["Mongodb", "MySql"],
"DevOps": ["Docker", "Kubernetes", "AWS"],
"Pipeline Tools" ["Jenkins" , "Github Actions"]
"Testing:" [ "Jest", "Mocha"],
"Tools:" ["Git", "Postman", "VsCode", "Trivy", "Sonarqube", "ARGO CD"]
"Web Development",
"Open Source"
"Contributor at GSSOC",
"Full Stack Developer Intern at India Accelerator",
"Member at MAIT Coding Club"
"TOP 15 @HACKVSIT 4.O:" ["Secured position under top 15 teams among 250 individuals and 65 teams."],
"Ist @India Tour Of Open Source : Delhi Edition:" ["Winner of the hackathon among 452 individuals and 92 teams."]