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Nuxt Starter

This demo shows simple working example of Nuxt


It basically contains the same as Nuxt Starter on StackBlitz encouraged by Nuxt team to provide minimal bug reproduction, but without <NuxtWelcome> component and with additional ESLint configuration for static JS code analysis, which I found very useful and worth adopting from your very first steps.

All other demos presented in demos-nuxt project (except nuxt-minimal) are built atop this one.

I recommend this setup for learning and testing purposes or for simple projects only. As a starting point for a real application, I'd advise you consider picking my nuxt-stack which is combined with more useful features and integrations.

You can also find this starter as a standalone GitHub project for easier forking and cloning.

How to use

  1. git checkout demos-nuxt project
  2. cd nuxt-simple
  3. pnpm install
  4. pnpm dev
  5. localhost:3000

Congratulations. You have working Nuxt app project enhanced with ESLint.

Tutorial article