Pseudo Zen is an online pseudocoder that makes pseudocoding as easy at it should be. With Pseudo Zen, there's no longer an excuse for not pseudo-coding your projects beforehand.
The editor uses an intuitive and clean visual UI, where entries can be added, moved and removed all within a few clicks. It accentuates what matters while avoiding superfluous clutter. This allows you to just focus on the logic, without getting hung up on syntax.
Projects can also be publicly shared, allowing others to see your thought process. This is ideal for quick mockups to confirm everyone is on the same page, or for impromptu training sessions.
- Front-end using React, with PropTypes module for prop validation (dev-mode), and validator.js for form validation.
- Webpack and Babel used for transpiling and JS uglifying.
- REST API server using Node and Express.
- User data persisted using MongoDB/Mongoose.
- Server hosted on a Ubuntu Linux VPS.
- NGINX used for reverse proxy and for gzipping outgoing static files, and SSL.
- SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt.
- PM2 with Keymetrics used for Node and MongoDB monitoring and exception notification.
- Travis CI, Mocha and Supertest used for API endpoint testing, and Prettier for pre-commit formatting.
- Snyk and Helmet used for dependency vulnerability check and header security.
React, Express, Node.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, Webpack, Babel, Axios, Validator.js
Bcrypt, Express-Session
Helmet, Morgan
Prettier, Eslint, Travis CI, Mocha, Supertest, Gemnasium, Snyk
Ubuntu Linux, NGINX, PM2, Keymetrics, Let's Encrypt
SSL Labs: Report