Hello! This is the first tutorial that I made at my Youtube channel! With this code you can take all the comments of an instagram post and randomly select a winner! 🥳 Hope you enjoy it!
First you have to install all the dependencies:
npm i
Then you have to create a file with the name '.env' at the root folder of the project. Inside this file you have to create a variable with named INSTAGRAM_SESSION_ID.
In order to access comments data you need an active session cookie value! This value can be taken from the instagram web(you need to be authorized in the web version)
- Open inspector (for example in Google Chrome browser) then right click on the web page -> inspector -> Network
- Refresh the page
- In the "Network" section you will see the request, select it, scroll down to the "Request Headers" section and look for the "cookie:" section, there you will find this value "sessionid=BLAHLBAH"
- Use it on your .env file
- The content will be something like this:
INSTAGRAM_SESSION_ID = 'sessionid=YourSessionIdHere;'
To scrape comments from specific post, you need to update its id on the code:
- You can get yout id post at the URL, for example: at https://www.instagram.com/p/CZz0MqJFDML/ , CZz0MqJFDML is the id.
- At index.js you should change the line 23, 'CZz0MqJFDML' for id of your post:
const comments = await instaTouch.comments('yourPostIdHere', options);
After doing all the configuration, you can run the project using:
node index.js
The winner will be generate and export at the root of the project as 'goldenTicket.json".
The first version of this code was made by Bruno Couto and me: Adriana Saty