A comprehensive collection of Python projects developed over 100 days, showcasing skills from basic programming to advanced concepts. This repo includes beginner to advanced tasks, focusing on data science, web development, automation, and game development, utilising various libraries and tools.
List of projects in this repository:
- Day 1: Band Name Generator. (Variables and data)
- Day 2: Tip Calculator. (Data types and manipulation of strings)
- Day 3: Treasure Island. (Control flow and logical operators)
- Day 4: Rock, Paper and Scissors. (Randomisation and Python lists)
- Day 5: Password Generator. (Loops)
- Day 6: Reeborg's World. (Python Functions and Karel)
- Day 7: Hangman.
- Day 8: Caesar Cipher. (Function Parameters)
- Day 9: Silent Auction. (Dictionaries and nesting)
- Day 10: Calculator. (Function outputs)
- Day 11: Blackjack - Capstone.
- Day 12: Number Guesser. (Scope of variables)
- Day 13: Using the debugger.
- Day 14: Who has more followers?
- Day 15: Coffee Machine.
- Day 16: Coffee Machine - OOPs.
- Day 17: Trivia Quiz.
- Day 18: Damien Hirst Painting. (Turtle and GUI)
- Challenge 1: Draw a square.
- Challenge 2: Draw a dashed line.
- Challenge 3: Draw shapes - Triangle - Decagon.
- Challenge 4: Draw a Spirograph.
- Day 19: Turtle Race. (Instances, states and higher order functions)
- Challenge 1: Etch-A-Sketch.
- Day 20: Snake Game - Part 1.
- Day 21: Snake Game - Complete.
- Day 22: Pong: The Famous Arcade Game.
- Day 23: Turtle Crossing - Capstone.
- Day 24: Mail Merger. (Files, Directories and Paths)
- Challenge 1: Adding the highscore functionality to Snake Game.
- Day 25: India States Game.
- Challenge 1: Great Squirrel Census Data (Pandas)
- Challenge 2: US States Game.
- Day 26: NATO Alphabet.
- Challenge: List and Dictionary Comprehension.
- Day 27: Miles to Kilometres converter (Tkinter)
- Challenge: Usage of Tkinter.
- Day 28: Building a Pomodoro App. (Tkinter)
- Day 29: Password Manager GUI App. (Tkinter)
- Day 30: Improvised Password Manager App - Exception Handling, etc. (Tkinter)
- Day 31: Flashcard App - Capstone. (Tkinter and Pandas)
- Day 32: Automated Birthday Wisher. (Smptlib and DateTime)
- Challenge: Wednesday Motivational Quotes - Automated Email.
- Day 33: International Space Station Overhead Notifier. (APIs, Smtplib and DateTime)
- Challenge: Kanye Quotes!
- Day 34: Quizzler App! (APIs and Tkinter)
- Day 35: Rain Alert Email. (Smtplib and APIs)
- Day 36: Stock Price Monitor. (APIs, Datetime and Smtplib)
- Day 37: Habit Tracking Project. (APIs and Headers)
- Day 38: Workout Tracker using Google Sheets (Requests, APIs, HTTPBasicAuth and DateTime)
- Day 39: Flight Deal Finder - Capstone Part 1. (Requests, APIs, HTTPBasicAuth and DateTime)
- Day 40: Flight Club - Capstone Part 2. (Requests, APIs, HTTPBasicAuth and DateTime)
- Day 41:
- Day 42:
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- Day 59:
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- Day 61:
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- Day 99:
- Day 100: