The aim of Ada Doom3 is to re-engineer the id-tech 4 engine with a clear dependency hierarchy, and robust tasking systems.
Planned Features:
- Load and play doom 3 bfg levels
- Load Valve map workshop levels
- Native ports for Windows and SDL
- Input support for XBox 360 controllers
- Multi-monitor windowing
- Threaded rendering with Vulkan
- Responsive multi-player
- Steam support for user accounts and achievements
To compile with GPRBuild:
gprbuild -p -P neo.gpr
Or the Gnat Programming Studio IDE may be used by simply double clicking on the project file neo.gpr once it is installed:
To compile with GPS click the build-all hammer button after ensuring the scenario drop boxes from the View > Scenario menu are correct.
After successfully compiling press play ▶ to run.
Github's tutorial on installing and using commandline git:
Frequent commands:
git init
git config --global ""
git config --global ""
git remote add origin
git pull origin master
git pull origin branch
git commit -am ''
git push origin master
git push origin master:branch
Begin adding Linux/Mac support by implementing stubbed functions/subprograms
To begin developing for AdaDoom3, first examine all of the “base” system and foundation components in the /Code directory.
Each package in this folder (as all packages in Ada) consists of a specification (ads) and a body file (adb). For clarity, everything but subprogram, package, protected type, and task bodies are placed in the specification (including global variables and private function prototypes) allowing an entire overview of user-important information in one file.
More to come...