Download and install the Tomcat Apache server as the application server.
Download and install MySQL on your local system.
Create a database named "smarthomes." Use the provided "smarthomes.sql" file to create the required database and tables.
In the "smarthomes" database, create three tables: Registration, Productlist, and CustomerOrders in MySQL using the "Create Table" query with the required fields for user details, products, and orders.
Copy and paste the folder "SmartHome" into the "webapps" directory located at C:\Tomcat\apache-tomcat-7.0.34\webapps.
Start the Tomcat Apache server and access the application by browsing the folder name in the URL followed by "localhost." For example: localhost:8080\smarthome.
The application is now live, and you will be able to utilize all the functionalities discussed for SmartHome.
Log in as a manager with the provided username and password.
Click on the links mentioned under inventory or sales reports to explore the new functionalities introduced in SmartHome.
Click on "Add," "Delete," or "Update Products" to perform operations on the "Productlist" table.
Use the search box to find products by name and click on them for further information.
This setup guide ensures a professional and organized approach to installing and using the SmartHome application.