Coding round questions
- Given two strings, return minimum no of modifications to convert one string into an anagram of others.
- Given preorder traversal of a tree, check if it is the pre-order traversal of a BST
- Given a number n, we want to reduce this number to zero. Return minimum no of operations to be performed.
A particular bit of a number can be changed to zero by only one of the two operations available at a time,- if (i+1)th bit is 1 and all the bits from (i+2)th bit to the least significant bit is zero.
- the least significant bit can be toggled
- Given an expression string exp, write a program to examine whether the pairs and the orders of “{“,”}”,”(“,”)”,”[“,”]” are correct in exp.
Technical Interview Questions
Data Structures and Algorithms
- Given an array, return the number of distinct unordered pairs from this array
Operating System
- What is cache invalidation? Implement LRU cache.
- What are semaphores?
Computer Networks
- What happens when you hit on chrome. Explained the entire flow.
- Questions on asynchronous Javascript.
- Promises
- Async/await
- Is Nodejs singe-threaded?
- Javascript event loop
- Phone number validation along with all use cases