Exaclidraw url : excalidraw Figma url: figma
Steps to follow for development / Setting up
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/AaryanNarayani/Relish.git
Install dependencies
-- Server Side
cd server
npm install
npx tsc -b
-- Set up Environment Variables Create a .env file
touch .env
Copy the .env.example File and add the database_url-- Client Side
cd client
npm install
Run Client and Server
- Server
node dist/index.js
- Client
npm run dev
- Server
Features/Contributions via Pull request
Make sure you are on the main branch
git checkout -b {feature branch name}
Make the changes/ Add the feature
git add .
git commit -m "{short feature desc}"
git push origin {feature branch name}
Go the Pull Requests Section on Github and create a PR