The ADAPT Standard is a data schema, set of standard data type defintions and unit of measure abbeviations designed for the business-to-business transfer of agricultural production data.
It is the successor to the AgGateway ADAPT Framework released in 2015 that served as a software plugin toolkit to read proprietary files. Unlike the earlier toolkit, the ADAPT Standard does not have any software dependencies. It is data only.
For more info, visit
New topics/issues are managed in a GitHub project. Each issue is in a state as specified below.
GitHub Issue State |
connectCenter CC State |
Description |
Approved | Draft | An Architecture Committee review team has approved the issue. |
AC review | Draft | The submitter has the set of related issues (perhaps only one) ready to review with the ADAPT Committee. |
Candidate | Candidate | The components associated with the issue are set to Candidate status in Score. |
Discussion | N/A | The submitter would like to discuss the issue with the AC prior to creating/changing components in Score. |
Implemented | Draft | The submitter regards that work on components they created/changed in Score is complete and has changed the status in Score to Draft. |
Implementing | WIP | The submitter has created/changed components in Score and those changes are in WIP (work-in-progress) status in Score. |
Member reveiew | Release | A draft release has been created in Score. |
New | N/A | A submitter submitted the issue. The submitter may need to refine the issue content before it’s ready to transition Discussion or Implementing . |
Ready for release | Release | The member review is complete with nothing left to process |
Reconsider | Draft or Candidate | A member of the AC believes that, in the interest of ADAPT Standard quality, the issue should be reconsidered. |
From state | To state | Guard conditions (i.e., what must be true for the transition to occur) |
AC review | Approved |
AC review | Implementing |
Approved | Candidate |
Candidate | Reconsider |
Discussion | Implementing |
Implemented | AC review |
Implementing | Implemented |
Member review | Ready for release |
Member review | Reconsider |
New | Discussion |
New | Implementing |
Ready for release | End |
Reconsider | Implementing |
Start | New |