I'm a Senior Flutter Developer, always seeking new challenges and opportunities to innovate; I love building apps and exploring new technologies
🔭 I’m currently working on Glary POS, Sherbo Assistant
💬 Ask me about Cross-Platforms, Mobile Development
📫 How to reach me ahmedbanna200@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences My Resume
Mobile and fixed Cashier (Point of Sales) Application
Used: Clean Architecture, Responsive and Adaptive, HTTP request (DIO), State Management(Bloc), Payment Integration (Nearpay NFC, geidea).
An Application for Mr. Omar El-Sherbiny’s work system allowing students and assistants to connect with each other in an organized way
Used: Socket.IO, FCM & Push Notifications, Clean Architecture, HTTP request (DIO), State Management(Bloc).
is a healthcare app connecting doctors, patients, and nurses for easy appointment scheduling, home care, and secure video consultations
Used: Streaming Video Calls, Socket.IO, FCM & Push Notifications, Clean Architecture, HTTP request (DIO), State Management(Bloc).
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Is a Saudi Brand that tempts to display high-quality clothes for high-quality ladies
Is an expectations app that allows you to expect your favorite team score and win prizes
Mobile and fixed Cashier (Point of Sales) Application
Used: FCM & Push Notifications, Clean Architecture, HTTP request (DIO), State Management(Bloc), Payment Integration (Nearpay).
App for monitoring family and communicating with family members, adding tasks, and planning weekends
Used: Socket.IO, FCM & Push Notifications, Clean Architecture, Responsive and Adaptive, HTTP request (DIO), State Management(Bloc).
Fintech app that allows you to transfer money to any Rozm user, pay your bills and purchase goods from your balance or credit and much more..
Used: Clean Architecture, Restful API, HTTP request (DIO), State Management(Bloc)
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Appointments reservation for clients, employees, and clinic owner
Used: Clean Architecture, Responsive and Adaptive, HTTP request (DIO), State Management(Bloc).
Reservation for Hotels, Weddings, and Chalets.
Simple app similar to IMDB lets you surface all the movies/TV shows with Trending now, categories, sort by, and complete info about a specific Show/Actor.
Used: Clean Architecture, HTTP request (DIO), State Management(Bloc)
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Shopping app that allows you to buy/save/add-to-card items, log in with your account, and update your info.
Used: Clean Architecture, HTTP request (DIO), State Management(Bloc)
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