packer template to build Ubuntu Server images
vagrant images are available at 42n4 vagrant account.
To build images, simply run:
git clone
cd packer-ubuntu
export VAGRANT_CLOUD_TOKEN=the token string taken from Vagrant
packer build -only=virtualbox-iso template.json
If you want to build only virtualbox, vmware or qemu, but now only virtualbox one works with ceph.
packer build -only=virtualbox-iso template.json
packer build -only=vmware-iso template.json
packer build -only=qemu template.json
Next, try to execute it in a new directory:
#vagrant destroy -f #remove ALL previous instances
#vagrant box add 42n4/ubuntu #add new box
#vagrant box update #update the old box in order to make 3 hosts
wget -O Vagrantfile
sed -i 's/192.168.0/192.168.<your local net number>/g' Vagrantfile
sed -i 's/enp0s31f6/eth0/g' Vagrantfile # you change the host bridge name if it is not 'enp0s31f6'
#in MSWin it gives you names: VBoxManage.exe list bridgedifs
#:bridge => "Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219-V",
vagrant up
vagrant ssh server1
In M$Windows: - you use putty after converting with puttygen a vagrant openssh key to a putty key
Login to the server1 root account
sudo su -
and execute:
va_hosts4ssh server
[ ! -d /mnt/mycephfs ] && mkdir /mnt/mycephfs
mount -t ceph `ifconfig enp0s8 | grep inet\ | awk '{print $2}'`:6789:/ /mnt/mycephfs -o name=admin,secret=`cat /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring | grep key | cut -f 2 | sed 's/key = //g'`
#ceph disk tests, where -s file size in MB, -r RAM in MB (defaults: 8192 and all available memory)
free && sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches && free
bonnie++ -s 2048 -r 1024 -u root -d /mnt/mycephfs -m BenchClient
Vagrant images at Vagrant are released by Circle CI. setup instructions are the following:
- Sign up
- Get API token
- Create new build configuration at Vagrant and generate token.
- Create project at Circle CI
- Add Vagrant environment variables to Circle CI project:
$ VAGRANT_CLOUD_TOKEN={{ your vagrant api token here }}
$ CIRCLE_USERNAME={{ your circle ci username here }}
$ CIRCLE_PROJECT={{ your circle ci project here }}
$ CIRCLE_TOKEN={{ your circle ci token here }}
$ json="{\"name\":\"VAGRANT_CLOUD_TOKEN\",\"value\":\"$VAGRANT_CLOUD_TOKEN\"}"
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -d "$json" "$CIRCLE_ENVVARENDPOINT"
- Edit circle.yml
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