Blazing fast Neovim config providing solid defaults and a beautiful UI, enhancing your neovim experience.
A 100% compliant, self-hosted javascript parser -
Manipulate strings like a wizard
Use JavaScript modules in all browsers, including dynamic imports
Diff Match Patch is a high-performance library in multiple languages that manipulates plain text.
Background Music, a macOS audio utility: automatically pause your music, set individual apps' volumes and record system audio.
Loads images and exports traced outlines as image/svg+xml URL-encoded data
Reproducing images with geometric primitives.
A cool svg optimization tool that supports the svg standard
Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
A positioning engine to make overlays, tooltips and dropdowns better
Finds the Above the Fold CSS for your page, and outputs it into a file
Walk a React (or Preact) element tree, executing a "visitor" function against each element.
A tool to understand your bundle size and why files are in your bundle
React Native's Animated library reimplemented
Various color matrix based image filters for iOS & Android
Gathering all info published, both by Apple and by others, about new framework SwiftUI.
An example repo on how we can combine Kotlin, UI Automator and gfxinfo to create an automated jank test
babel-merge merges multiple Babel configuration objects into a single copy. Plugin and preset objects and arrays will be merged together.
The smallest, simplest and fastest JavaScript pixel-level image comparison library
Ekke is a test runner for React-Native, it allows you to execute your test code directly on the device enabling you to test in the same environment as your production users.
Instrument your JavaScript to measure parse & execution time on any device or browser
Captcha solver extension for humans, available for Chrome, Edge and Firefox