Jenkins® is an open source automation server. With Jenkins, organizations can accelerate the software development process through automation. Jenkins manages and controls development lifecycle processes of all kinds, including build, document, test, package, stage, deployment, static analysis and many more.
The purpose of this user guide is to provide the user with instructions to set up Jenkins® on a workstation.
Download the setup-build-machine script file from the following URL::
Run the script on the workstation with a user having sudo permissions.
This will install Jenkins and the required packages.
A user called 'jenkins' is created when you install Jenkins.
The default way to access the Jenkins server is through a browser, using the URL:
When you open this URL for the first time, you are provided with a path to a file in the server. /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword.
This file contains the password for user admin.
Once you log in, it redirects you to a Getting Started page. Click Install Suggested Plugins option.
You are now prompted to create a new admin user.
Create a user called openebs providing the required details requested by the Create First Admin User page and click Save and Finish.
A message "Jenkins is ready!" is displayed..
Click Start using Jenkins.
You are now logged in as user openebs and will be able to see your Dashboard.
By default, the pages in Jenkins do not refresh automatically. To enable it click on the *ENABLE AUTO REFRESH* link on the top right of the page.
- On the left side of the Dashboard you have links for managing Jenkins.
- Click Manage Jenkins->Manage Plugins.
- On the Plugin Manager page, the following 4 tabs are displayed:
- Updates
- Available
- Installed
- Advanced
- Click on Available and in the Filter field search and add following 3 plugins.
- Environment Injector Plugin
- Hudson Post build task
- Slack Notification Plugin
- Select Restart Jenkins when installation is complete and no jobs are running to restart Jenkins.
Jenkins application for Slack must be installed and configured.
- Click Manage Jenkins.
- Click Configure System.
- Scroll to Global Slack Notifier Settings.
- Enter the slack team's team domain in Team Subdomain field.
- Enter the token provided in the Jenkins application for Slack in Integration Token field.
- Enter the slack channel details in Channel field.
- Click Test Connection. The slack channel should be getting a notification from Jenkins.
- If a notification is received then click Apply and Save.
- The configuration for the Slack Plugin is complete.
- Click on the create new jobs link in the Dashboard.
- Provide a name for the project and select project type as Freestyle Project.
- The Job page is divided into 6 categories:
- General
- Source Code Management
- Build Triggers
- Build Environment
- Build
- Post Build Actions
- Click on the '?' symbol for each entry to get its relevant help.
- The Project name is populated with the name provided for the job.
- Provide a description for the job.
- Select Github Project checkbox.
- Provide the Project URL.
- Select Git as the repository.
- Provide Repository URL.
- Set the Refspec for the repository.
- For Additional Behaviors add Polling ignores commits in certain paths.
- In the Excluded Regions sections add the files extensions.
- /*.md
- /*.rst
- Click Apply. (Do this periodically to save your changes before the session times out)
- Select the Poll SCM checkbox.
- Set the polling schedule for the repository.
- Select Add timestamps to the Console Output checkbox.
- Select Inject environment variables to the build process checkbox.
- Provide the relative or absolute path for the .profile file along with the filename.
- Select Inject passwords to the build as environment variables checkbox.
- This option encrypts the environment variables, as a security measure for files getting checked in into the repository.
Click Add Build Step drop-down list and select Execute Shell.
Enter the script below in the script editor provided.
#!/bin/bash if [ ! -d "${JENKINS_HOME}/openebs" ]; then # Control will enter here if $DIRECTORY doesn't exist. cd ${JENKINS_HOME} git clone cd ${JENKINS_HOME}/openebs/e2e/ansible/ ansible-playbook setup-ara.yml ansible-playbook -e "run_ci=yes ci_mode=hyperconverged build_type=quick" setup-env.yml echo vagrant up vagrant up ansible-playbook -e "build_type=quick" ci.yml else cd ${JENKINS_HOME}/openebs/e2e/ansible/ ansible-playbook -e "run_ci=yes ci_mode=hyperconverged build_type=quick" setup-env.yml echo vagrant up vagrant up ansible-playbook -e "build_type=quick" ci.yml fi
The script clones openebs repository for running Ansible Playbooks.
The script also sets up ARA for reporting.
Finally it runs the CI.yml to perform Continuous Integration of OpenEBS modules.
Click Add post-build action drop-down list and select Post build task plugin.
- In the Log Text textbox enter text: vagrant up
- Enter the script below in the script editor provided.
#!/bin/bash cd ${JENKINS_HOME}/openebs/e2e/ansible/ vagrant destroy -f # The below depends on the mode of deployment(dedicated/hyperconverged) ssh-keygen -f "/var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/known_hosts" -R ssh-keygen -f "/var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/known_hosts" -R ssh-keygen -f "/var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/known_hosts" -R
- Select Escalate script execution status to job status.
Click Add post-build action drop-down list and select Post build task plugin.
- In the Log Text textbox enter text: (failed=)(\d*[1-9]\d*)
- Enter the below script in the provided script editor.
#!/bin/bash exit 1
- Select Escalate script execution status to job status.
Click Add post-build action drop-down list and select Slack Notifications plugin.
- Select Notify Build Start.
- Select Notify Failure.
- Select Notify Success.
- Select Notification message includes: and in the drop-down list select commit list with authours and titles.