Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- Shanghai
(UTC +08:00)
a little batch file that permanently removes the Outlook (New) app from Windows 10/11
Ryarralk / OutlookRemover
Forked from SempaiRock/OutlookRemoverA little batch file that removes the Outlook (New) app from Windows 10/11
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一款简洁高效的在线工具箱|JSON 在线解析及格式化验证,Crontab 时间计算,Base64 / URL 编解码
Dashboard frontend of SJTU Aixinwu's new website
ChatSJTU / Aixinwu-core
Forked from saleor/saleorBackend of SJTU Aixinwu's new website (based on Saleor Core)
An frontend implementation of saleor, using as SJTU Aixinwu's new website
Java安全相关的漏洞和技术demo,原生Java、Fastjson、Jackson、Hessian2、XML反序列化漏洞利用和Spring、Dubbo、Shiro、CAS、Tomcat、RMI、Nexus等框架\中间件\功能的exploits以及Java Security Manager绕过、Dubbo-Hessian2安全加固等等实践代码。
Re-coded Xilinx primitives for Verilator use
poc for CVE-2024-38063 (RCE in tcpip.sys)
The .NET Standard / .NET Core version from the System Linq Dynamic functionality.
Tyme是一个非常强大的日历工具库,可以看作 Lunar 的升级版,拥有更优的设计和扩展性,支持公历和农历、星座、干支、生肖、节气、法定假日等。
Redefined chart library built with React and D3
为供应链漏洞扫描设计的快速应急响应工具 [快速应急] [漏洞扫描] [端口扫描] [xray2.0进行时] A fast emergency response tool designed for supply chain vulnerability scanning.
SpringBoot 相关漏洞学习资料,利用方法和技巧合集,黑盒安全评估 check list
A .NET FFMpeg/FFProbe wrapper for easily integrating media analysis and conversion into your C# applications
.NET wrapper for LLaMA.cpp for LLaMA language model inference on CPU. 🦙
A C#/.NET library to run LLM (🦙LLaMA/LLaVA) on your local device efficiently.
Neo-reGeorg is a project that seeks to aggressively refactor reGeorg
Tool to parse the Group Policy Preferences XML file which extracts the username and decrypts the cpassword attribute.
INT8 & FP16 multiplier accumulator (MAC) design with UVM verification completed.
Independent video frame capture library on .NET/.NET Core and .NET Framework.