KoronKorko is created using the MERN stack with vanilla JavaScript & CSS. A remastered version has been developed using using Next.js, NextAuth, MondoDB, TypeScript and Tailwind CSS.
Check out the remastered version of KoronKorko or its source code.
KoronKorko is a finance web-application developed by Omar Kraidié. KoronKorko has different types of finance calculators. All the available calculators are listed below in this README.md
The users of KoronKorko can select a currency in which the monetary results of the calculators are printed. The selected currency will be saved either in local storage or in the authenticated users preferences.
Authenticated users can:
- create new and save new calculations
- edit existing calculations
- import previously saved calculations
- delete previously saved calculations
Calculate the compound interest of an investment or determine how long your invested money can last.
The compound interest is calculated from various inputs such as starting balance, interest rate, duration, contribution and more. The calculated interest data can be viewed in both numerical and visual form.
Calculate the annualized return (CAGR), total percent return, and total profit of an investment.
Calculate the present value of an investment with a specified discount rate.
Calculate the amount of time needed to grow an investment to a certain future value given an annual interest rate.
Calculate the point at which total cost equals total revenue, indicating neither profit nor loss for your business.
Calculate the difference between the cost and the selling price of your product.