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On January 20th, 2025, Dependabot will end support for npm version 6, which has reached its end-of-life. If you continue to use npm version 6, there’s a risk that Dependabot will not create pull requests to update dependencies. In that case, we recommend updating to a supported release of npm. As of December 2024, the newest supported release of npm is version 11. View NPM’s official documentation for more information about supported releases.

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Ubuntu-latest upcoming breaking changes

We will migrate the ubuntu-latest label to ubuntu 24 starting on December 5, 2024 and ending on January 17, 2025. The ubuntu 24 image has a different set of tools and packages than ubuntu 22. We have made cuts to the list of packages so that we can maintain our SLA for free disk space. This may break your workflows if you depend on certain packages that have been removed. Please review this list to see if you are using any affected packages.

Ubuntu 20 image is closing down

We are beginning the process of closing down the Ubuntu 20 hosted runner image, following our N-1 OS support policy. This image will be fully retired by April 1, 2025. We recommend updating workflows to use ubuntu-22.04, or ubuntu-24.04.

Artifacts v3 brownouts

Artifact actions v3 will be closing down by January 30th, 2025. To raise awareness of the upcoming removal, we will temporarily fail jobs using v3 of actions/upload-artifact or actions/download-artifact. Builds that are scheduled to run during the brownout periods will fail. The brownouts are scheduled for the following dates and times:
– January 9th 5pm – 6pm UTC
– January 16th 3pm – 7pm UTC
– January 23rd 2pm – 10pm UTC

actions/cache v1-v2 and actions/toolkit cache package closing down

Starting February 1st, 2025, Actions’ cache storage will move to a new architecture, as a result we are closing down v1-v2 of actions/cache as well as all previous versions of the @actions/cache package(prior to 4.0.0) in actions/toolkit.
Attempting to use a version of the @actions/cache package after the announced deprecation date will result in a workflow failure. Announcements have been posted in the actions/cache and actions/toolkit repositories with additional information on the migration. Note that this does not affect GitHub Enterprise Server customers, you can continue to use all versions without failure.

Updates to the network allow list for self-hosted runners and Azure private networking

With the upcoming GA of Immutable Actions, Actions will now be stored as packages in the GitHub Container Registry. Please ensure that your self-hosted runner allow lists are updated to accommodate the network traffic. Specifically, you should allow traffic to to ensure Immutable Actions can be downloaded successfully and jobs don’t fail during setup. If you already allow * which is listed as an required domain then no action is necessary. Traffic will also be required to for publishing new versions of an Immutable Action in the future, which will be available with the GA release.

This update also affects runners in all versions of GitHub Enterprise Server that use the GitHub Connect feature to download actions directly from Customers are advised to update their self-hosted runner network allow lists accordingly. For further guidance on communication between self-hosted runners and GitHub, please refer to our documentation.

Additionally, our guidance for configuring Azure private networking has been updated to account for the new domains. The following IP addresses have been added to the NSG template in our documentation.

Upcoming breaking image changes

For a full list of this month’s breaking changes to our hosted runner images, please see our announcement page.

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In the coming months, the current interface for managing code security settings for an enterprise will be deprecated and replaced with new and improved code security configurations that will provide you a more consistent and scalable way to manage security settings across repositories within your enterprise.

The current REST API endpoint to enable or disable a security feature for an enterprise is now deprecated. It will continue to work for an additional year in the current version of the REST API before being removed in September of 2025, but note that it may conflict with settings assigned in code security configurations if the configuration is unenforced, potentially resulting in a security configuration being unintentionally removed from a repository. To change the security settings for repositories at the enterprise level, you can use the current enterprise-level security settings UI or the upcoming code security configurations API.

Send us your feedback!.

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As of November 6, 2024, Dependabot will no longer support Composer version 1, which has reached its end-of-life. If you continue to use Composer version 1, there’s a risk that Dependabot will not create pull requests to update dependencies. If this affects you, we recommend updating to a supported release of Composer. As of October 2024, the newest supported release of Composer is 2.8, and the long-term supported version is 2.2. View Composer’s official documentation for more information about supported releases.

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As of October 7, 2024, Dependabot no longer supports Bundler version 1, which has reached its end-of-life. If you continue to use Bundler version 1, Dependabot will be unable to create pull requests to update your dependencies. If this affects you, we recommend updating to a supported release of Bundler. As of October 2024, the newest supported version is 2.5.

View Bundler’s official support policies for more information about supported releases.

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Following our change to default customers to use Node20, Node16 will reach end of life in the Actions runner on November 12, 2024.

From November 12 onward, we will no longer include Node16 in the Actions runner and customers will no longer be able to use Node16 Actions or operating systems that do not support Node20.

To prevent disruption to your Actions workflows, if you’re an Actions maintainer, update your actions to run on Node20 instead of Node16. If you’re an Actions user, update your workflows with latest versions of the actions, which run on Node20.

Learn more about Actions configuration settings or using versions for Actions. Join the discussion within GitHub Community.

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Over the next six months, we will be making the following changes and deprecations to the GitHub Actions service:

Reduction to Webhook rate limit in GitHub Actions
Starting October 1st, 2024 we will be adding a new rate limit of 1,250 requests per 10 seconds per repository for incoming Webhook events for GitHub Actions. After monitoring usage over the past several weeks, we believe that no customers will be impacted by this change, but if you believe you will need to exceed this in the future, please reach out to GitHub support.

Cache v1-v2 deprecation
Starting February 1st, 2025, Actions’ cache storage will move to a new architecture, resulting in the deprecation of v1-v2 of actions/cache. Attempting to use a version of the action after the announced deprecation date will result in a workflow failure. Please note: if you are pinned to a specific version or SHA of the action, your workflows will also fail after February 1st. We strongly encourage you to update your workflows to begin using v3 or v4 of actions/cache as soon as possible.

This deprecation will not impact any existing versions of GitHub Enterprise Server that are currently in use. Cached entries within their retention period will remain accessible from the UI or REST API regardless of the version used to upload. This announcement will also be added to the actions/cache repository.

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As of October 7, 2024, Dependabot will no longer support Bundler version 1, which has reached its end-of-life. If you continue to use Bundler version 1, there’s a risk that Dependabot will not create pull requests to update dependencies. If this affects you, we recommend updating to a supported release of Bundler. As of September 2024, the newest supported version of Bundler is 2.5. View Bundler’s official support policies for more information about supported releases.

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GitHub Actions will be making the following deprecations and breaking changes in our runners and services over the next 6 months.

Exclude hidden files by default in Upload Artifact GitHub Actions
From September 2nd, 2024, we will no longer include hidden files and folders as part of the default upload of the v3 and v4 upload-artifact actions. This reduces the risk that credentials are accidentally uploaded into artifacts. Customers who need to continue to upload these files can use a new option, ‘include-hidden-files’, to continue to do so.

Ubuntu 20 & Ubuntu 22 arm64 Images
On September 3rd, 2024, we are deprecating the Ubuntu 22/20 base images for our arm64 hosted runners as these are not widely used and customers are better served using the new Arm owned images. At that time all workflows using the Ubuntu 22 or 20 base image on arm64 will begin to fail. To change the image your runner is using, you can delete the runner and recreate a runner with the same name, to prevent failures. We recommend using the partner images provided by Arm:

  • Ubuntu 24.04 by Arm Limited
  • Ubuntu 22.04 by Arm Limited

.NET6 deprecation in the runner
In October, 2024, at the same time as we move to Node20 on the Actions runner, we will be deprecating .NET6 in the Actions runner and moving to .NET8. This is because .NET6 will reach end of life in November 2024. Any customers who are still using operating systems which are reliant on unsupported binaries will need to upgrade prior to this change. The removal of support for .NET6 means the following operating systems will no longer be supported from this time:
– Debian 10
– macOS 11.0
– macOS 10.15

Along with those already marked as unsupported in our changelog for the removal of Node16.

macOS12 runner image
We are beginning the deprecation process for the macOS 12 runner image, which allows us to balance our fleet capacity ahead of our upcoming macOS 15 launch. This image will be fully retired by the December 3rd, 2024. We recommend updating workflows to use `macos-14`, `macos-13`, or `macos-latest`.

Unsupported macOS labels
On December 3rd, 2024, we are deprecating some of our older and less used labels which are used for smaller numbers of workflows. The following runner labels will stop working from that time:

  • macos-11.0
  • macos-12-xl
  • macos-13-xl
  • macos-13-xl-arm64
  • macos-latest-xl
  • Macos-latest-xl-arm64
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The enum field indicating a ‘detached’ status will be deprecated from the ‘Get repositories associated with a code security configuration’ endpoint.

The endpoint itself will remain.

We will replace the ‘detached’ status with a ‘removed’ status. We will also add an additional status of ‘removed_by_enterprise’ to indicate situations where enterprise level settings changes have caused an organization-level code security configuration to be removed from a repository.

This change ensures that the code security configurations API is more inline with the status filters in the UI.

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Code security configurations were made generally available on July 10th, 2024. This experience replaces our old settings experience and its API.

If you are currently using the REST API endpoint to enable or disable a security feature for an organization, this endpoint is now considered deprecated.

It will continue to work for an additional year in the current version of the REST API before being removed in July of 2025. However, users should note this will conflict with the settings assigned in code security configurations if the configuration is unenforced. This may result in a code security configuration being unintentionally removed from a repository.

The endpoint will be removed entirely in the next version of the REST API.

To change the security settings for repositories, you can use the code security configurations UI, the configurations API, or the unaffected enterprise-level security settings.

Send us your feedback!.

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EDIT: Monday December 2nd, 2024

GitHub Enterprise Server Timeline changing sunset to GHES 3.17 as the final version instead of 3.16.

Starting today, we will begin work towards the sunset of tag protections, with a full deprecation planned for August 30, 2024. See below for a full sunset timeline. You can migrate existing tag protections with the import to ruleset feature.

We launched repository rules last year to meet the needs of tag protection rules, while also scaling support to provide new functionalities like org-wide rules, granular restrictions for creating, reading, and updating events, and a more granular bypass model that does not require repository administrator permissions. As we such, we will sunset tag protections in favor of our ongoing investment in the repository rulesets platform.

You can import existing tag protection rules today with the existing migration feature. If no action is taken before the sunset date, GitHub will migrate all existing tag protections into a corresponding ruleset.

When are changes happening? Timeline

  • May 30 : Repositories without tag protection rules will no longer be able to add new protection rules via the UI
  • July 24 through August 14 : A series of API brownouts will be run, see below for additional details on dates and times.
  • August 30, 2024: All tag protection rules will be migrated to a new tag ruleset. All REST and GraphQL API endpoints will be deprecated API Timeline

  • May 30: API responses will include a deprecation notice
  • July 24: 1 hour API brownout
  • August 7: 8 hour API brownout
  • August 14: 24 hour API brownout
  • August 30: The tag protection rule API will begin responding with NULL data
  • The tag protection rules API will be deprecated in the next calendar version

GitHub Enterprise Server Timeline

  • Version 3.14: Tag protection rules will be marked for deprecation with an in-product banner and API responses will include a deprecation notice
  • Version 3.15: No changes will be made
  • Version 3.16: No changes will be made
  • Version 3.17: Tag protection rules will be migrated to a ruleset and the tag protection rule feature will no longer be available


Join the discussion within GitHub Community.

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August 7 update: additional details added to the sunset timeline.

Today, we are announcing the sunset of GitHub Projects (classic), which will follow individual sunset timelines for, GitHub Enterprise Server, and the REST API. Please see the details below for more information.

In July 2022, we announced the general availability of the new and improved Projects, powered by GitHub Issues. Since then, these new Projects have expanded to include a variety of features such as roadmaps, mobile support, project templates for organizations, project status updates, and unlimited items.

As we continue to invest in and enhance the future of Projects, we will be sunsetting Projects (classic). To migrate your existing classic projects to the new projects, please click Start migration on the banner at the top of your classic project:

The sunset will follow these timelines: Timeline

  • May 23, 2024: A banner to migrate will be visible on classic projects, with the migration tooling included. Creation of new classic projects will be disabled.
  • August 23, 2024: Projects (classic) will be officially sunset. All unmigrated classic projects will automatically be migrated to new projects.
    • If projects is disabled on the organization level, classic projects under that organization will not be migrated.
    • Only cards that have been updated in the last year will be migrated.
    • During the migration process, projects v2 webhooks for the newly created projects will not be emitted.
    • After the migration on August 23, you will still technically be able to use the REST or GraphQL API to update your classic Projects. We heavily discourage this as your updates will not be persisted to the migrated V2 Projects.

GitHub Enterprise Server Timeline

  • August 27, 2024: Projects (classic) will be marked for deprecation in version 3.14. A banner to migrate will be visible on classic projects, with the migration tooling included.
  • March 11, 2025: Projects (classic) will be removed in version 3.16.

REST API Timeline

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When uploading a SARIF file that contains multiple SARIF runs for the same tool and category,
Code Scanning combines those runs into a single run.

Combining multiple runs within the same SARIF file is an undocumented feature that was originally intended to simplify uploading multiple analyses for the same commit. Since then, we have introduced the explicit concept of category to be able to upload multiple analysis for the same commit, thus better aligning with the SARIF Specification.

Today, we are starting the deprecation path for the combination of multiple SARIF runs with the same tool and category within the same file. Specifically, in the next few days, the github/codeql-action/upload-sarif action will start showing a deprecation warning when using 3rd party tools that rely on the combination of multiple SARIF runs with the same tool and category within the same file. While showing the deprecation warning, the upload of the SARIF file will succeed.

We expect to fully stop combining multiple SARIF runs with the same tool and category within the same file in June 2025 (for and in GHES 3.18, at which point the upload of the SARIF file will fail.

How does this affect me?

You are affected if you are using the github/codeql-action/upload-sarif action to upload results from a 3rd party Code Scanning tool and the tool generates multiple runs with the same category in a single SARIF file.
If that is the case, you will start seeing the deprecation warning, and you should work with the tool provider so that each run in the SARIF file has a distinct tool or category.

You are affected if you are using github/codeql-action/upload-sarif action to upload multiple SARIF files from a 3rd party tool. You can end up with multiple SARIF files if the tool either generates multiple SARIF files itself or if you are using a matrix build to run multiple analyses. Specifically, if you are doing a matrix build that generates multiple SARIF files and have a dedicated job to upload all the SARIF files together. For example, your workflow might look like the following if you analyze two apps using a matrix build but then have a dedicated upload job to upload all the SARIF files together:

        app: ['app1', 'app2']

    - name: SAST Scan

    - name: Temporary store SARIF file
      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
        name: sarif-${{ }}
        path: "results"

      name: Upload SARIF
      needs: analyze
      - name: Fetch SARIF files
          uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
          path: ../results
          pattern: sarif-*
          merge-multiple: true

      - name: Upload Results
          uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v3

In this case, you need to make the call to the github/codeql-action/upload-sarif action to include a distinct category. For example, you can embed the step in the matrix job and use the matrix variables to generate a unique category. In this way, the example above becomes:

        app: ['app1', 'app2']

    - name: SAST Scan

    - name: Upload Results
      uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v3
        category: ${{ }}

Note that changing the value of the category causes older alerts to remain open, and you might want to delete the configuration using the previous category value.

You are not affected if you are only using CodeQL via the github/codeql-action action. For the few repositories that rely on this behavior, the CodeQL CLI (starting version 2.17.0) includes backwards compatible logic.

You are not affected if you are uploading multiple SARIF files for the same commit using one of the documented approaches.

What’s next?

In June 2025, SARIF uploads to that contain multiple runs with the same tool and category will be rejected.

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