🍌 A FIGlet utility for Java that generates text banners, in a variety of typefaces, composed of letters made up of conglomerations of smaller ASCII characters.
📄 MyPages is a java based, open source pagination plugin for MyBatis that simplifies database paging queries. Many databases, one plugin.
📦 A TLV (type-length-value) tool for Java. TLV is an encoding scheme used for optional information element in a certain protocol.
🤖 Robotic process automation (RPA) for WeChat, WeCom, DingTalk, etc. Support multiple clients and keep the computer unlocked when disconnect from the remote desktop.
📖 A Aho-Corasick algorithm based string-searching utility for Go. It supports tokenization, ignoring case, replacing text. So you can use it to find keywords in an article, filter sensitive words, etc. 基于AC自动机(Aho-Corasick algorithm)实现的关键词、敏感词、非法词、停用词等匹配替换工具,支持结果分词,忽略大小写,替换文本等功能。适用于在文章中查找关键词;过滤聊天、评论、留言中的敏感词等。
🍃基于Spring Boot 项目的最佳实践合集,包括但不限于数据校验、国际化、逻辑删除、灰度测试等详细文档说明与完整代码示例。
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