- Introduces a new global log-bilinear regression model which combines the benefits of both global matrix factorization and local context window methods.
- Decompose large matrices into low-rank approximations.
- eg - Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA)
- Poor performance on word analogy task
- Frequent words contribute disproportionately high to the similarity measure.
- Learn word representations using adjacent words.
- eg - Continous bag-of-words (CBOW) model and skip-gram model.
- Since they do not operate directly on the global co-occurrence counts, they can not utilise the statistics of the corpus effectively.
- To capture the relationship between words i and j, word vector models should use ratios of co-occurene probabilites (with other words k) instead of using raw probabilites themselves.
- In most general form:
- F(wi, wj, wk~ ) = Pik/Pjk
- We want F to encode information in the vector space (which have a linear structure), so we can restrict to the difference of wi and wj
- F(wi - wj, wk~ ) = Pik/Pjk
- Since right hand side is a scalar and left hand side is a vector, we take dot product of the arguments.
- F( (wi - wj)T, wk~ ) = Pik/Pjk
- F should be invariant to order of the word pair i and j.
- F(wiTwk~) = Pik
- Doing further simplifications and optimisations (refer paper), we get cost function,
- J = Sum (over all i, j pairs in the vocabulary)[wiTwk
+ bi + bk - log(Xik)]2 - f is a weighing function.
- f(x) = min((x/xmax)α, 1)
- Typical values, xmax = 100 and α = 3/4
- b are the bias terms.
- J = Sum (over all i, j pairs in the vocabulary)[wiTwk
- Depends on a number of non-zero elements in the input matrix.
- Upper bound by the square of vocabulary size
- Since for shallow window-based approaches, complexity depends on |C| (size of the corpus), tighter bounds are needed.
- By modelling number of co-occurrences of words as power law function of frequency rank, the complexity can be shown to be proportional to |C|0.8
Word Analogies
- a is to b as c is to ___?
- Both semantic and syntactic pairs
- Find closest d to wb - wc + wa (using cosine similarity)
Word Similarity
Named Entity Recognition
- Wikipedia Dumps - 2010 and 2014
- Gigaword5
- Combination of Gigaword5 and Wikipedia2014
- CommonCrawl
- 400,000 most frequent words considered from the corpus.
- Size of context window.
- Whether to distinguish left context from right context.
- f - Word pairs that are d words apart contribute 1/d to the total count.
- xmax = 100
- α = 3/4
- AdaGrad update
- Singular Value Decomposition
- Continous Bag-Of-Words
- Skip-Gram
- Glove outperforms all other models significantly.
- Diminishing returns for vectors larger than 200 dimensions.
- Small and asymmetric context windows (context window only to the left) works better for syntactic tasks.
- Long and symmetric context windows (context window to both the sides) works better for semantic tasks.
- Syntactic task benefited from larger corpus though semantic task performed better with Wikipedia instead of Gigaword5 probably due to the comprehensiveness of Wikipedia and slightly outdated nature of Gigaword5.
- Word2vec’s performance decreases if the number of negative samples increases beyond about 10.
- For the same corpus, vocabulary, and window size GloVe consistently achieves better results, faster.
I know its old post, but I have a question. If the model is basically trying to reconstruct the big co-occurrence matrix [well in the paper they said they transform that into probability ratios matrix, i guess], is the model reconstructing the matrix line by line or word by word?