- The paper presents a domain agnostic approach for conversational modelling based on Sequence to Sequence Learning Framework.
- Link to the paper
- Neural Conversational Model (NCM)
- A Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) reads the input sentence, one token at a time, and predicts the output sequence, one token at a time.
- Learns by backpropagation.
- The model maximises the cross entropy of correct sequence given its context.
- Greedy inference approach where predicted output token is used as input to predict the next output token.
- IT HelpDesk dataset of conversations about computer related issues.
- OpenSubtitles dataset containing movie conversations.
- The paper has reported some samples of conversations generated by the interaction between human actor and the NCM.
- NCM reports lower perplexity as compared to n-grams model.
- NCM outperforms CleverBot in a subjective test involving human evaluators to grade the two systems.
- Domain-agnostic.
- End-To-End training without handcrafted rules.
- Underlying architecture (Sequence To Sequence Framework) can be leveraged for machine translation, question answering etc.
- The responses are simple, short and at times inconsistent.
- The objective function of Sequence To Sequence Framework is not designed to capture the objective of conversational models.